
Uncovering the Hidden Story of Web Development

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The Untold History of Web Development

The Untold History of Web Development

Web development has a long and fascinating history that often goes unnoticed. From its humble beginnings to the complex technologies of today, the evolution of web development has shaped the way we interact with the internet.

The Early Days

In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web was in its infancy. Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, is credited with inventing the World Wide Web while working at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. In 1991, he created the first web browser and server, laying the foundation for the development of the modern web.

The Birth of HTML

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, was developed by Berners-Lee as a way to create and format documents on the web. It allowed for the creation of static web pages and provided a structure for linking different documents together. The first version of HTML was released in 1991, and it has since gone through numerous iterations to keep up with the changing landscape of the web.

The Rise of CSS and JavaScript

As the web continued to evolve, the need for more dynamic and interactive websites grew. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, was developed in the late 1990s as a way to separate the presentation and content of web pages. This allowed for greater flexibility in designing and styling web pages.

JavaScript, on the other hand, was created to add interactivity to web pages. Developed by Brendan Eich in 1995, JavaScript allowed for the creation of dynamic content, form validation, and other client-side programming tasks.

The Modern Era

Today, web development encompasses a wide range of technologies and frameworks. From HTML5 and CSS3 to JavaScript libraries like React and Angular, web developers have a vast array of tools at their disposal to create cutting-edge websites and web applications.

Responsive design, mobile optimization, and progressive web apps are just a few of the latest trends in web development, highlighting the ever-changing nature of the industry.

The Future of Web Development

As technology continues to advance, so too will web development. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality are already making their way into web development, promising even more innovative and immersive online experiences for users.

With the rapid pace of change in the tech industry, the untold history of web development is sure to continue evolving and shaping the future of the internet.

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6 months ago

I hate jquery

6 months ago

Destroy JS. Use a modern programming language

6 months ago

2024: Use AI

6 months ago

I just love all the hoops we jump through to render html. Just write html.

6 months ago

Meanwhile PHP crying in corner, because it was not mentioned even when most of the websites used php and its frameworks

6 months ago

I just wrote lot of jQuery today in my wordpress theme

6 months ago

Why would I use something with 1% of the documentation/forums of JQuery and spend extra time tinkering with it. The client literally gives 0 shits

6 months ago


6 months ago

There is <b>nothing</b> wrong with good ol HTML! <IMG>Funny_dog.gif</img>

6 months ago

jQuery is a surgeon’s scalpel, while those other frameworks are more like a butter knife.

6 months ago

The problem is that js/css/html are now so powerful and work everywhere that the frameworks are just bloat nowadays.

6 months ago

Meanwhile, I'm still rocking HTML, PHP and JS in 2023


6 months ago

Remember folks, if something can be done in JavaScript, it will be done in JavaScript. And there are infinite possibilities to send totally healthy people with no mental illness history whatsoever to the psych ward forever, just using JavaScript and a framework of your choice.

6 months ago

this is why I went into embedded programming. None of this nonsense just C and GCC

6 months ago

Uh…. Huh…..

6 months ago

There’s an xkcd about this

6 months ago

Still have a copy of my first self-promotional website that I created. Go to load it up on a current computer — "AAAAHHHH! JAVASCRIPT DETECTED!!! ARE YOU SUUUURE YOU WANT TO ALLOW JAVASCRIPT TO RUN?!!!"

6 months ago

Welcome to my day job

6 months ago

Lost me at java

6 months ago
