
Understanding and Implementing Service Workers in Angular

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Service Workers in Angular: Understand & Use

Service workers are a powerful tool for creating reliable web applications that work offline and load quickly. In Angular, service workers are used to cache assets and API responses, making it possible to provide a seamless user experience even when the network is unreliable.

Understanding Service Workers

A service worker is a script that runs in the background of a web application and intercepts network requests. It allows you to cache assets and data, which can improve performance and allow the application to work offline. Service workers are supported by most modern browsers and can be added to an Angular application using the @angular/service-worker package.

Using Service Workers in Angular

To use service workers in an Angular application, you first need to install the @angular/service-worker package. This can be done using the Angular CLI with the following command:

ng add @angular/pwa

Once the package is installed, you can configure the service worker in the ngsw-config.json file. This file allows you to specify which assets and data should be cached, as well as any custom behavior for the service worker.

After configuring the service worker, you can build the application using the following command:

ng build --prod

This will generate a service worker file, which can then be registered in the main.ts file of the application. Once registered, the service worker will begin intercepting network requests and caching assets and data as specified in the configuration.

Benefits of Service Workers in Angular

Using service workers in an Angular application provides several benefits, including:

  • Offline support: Service workers allow the application to continue functioning even when the network is unavailable, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Improved performance: By caching assets and data, service workers can improve the speed and responsiveness of the application.
  • Reduced server load: Caching assets and data can reduce the load on the server, improving scalability and reducing costs.


Service workers are a powerful tool for creating reliable and high-performance web applications in Angular. By understanding how they work and how to use them, you can take advantage of their benefits and provide a better user experience for your application’s users.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add service worker support to your Angular application and start reaping the benefits of improved performance and offline support.

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Dinesh Srini
7 months ago

how to use angular service worker to send custom messages between tabs? Say if I want to keep multiple tabs in sync.