
Understanding Angular Signals: An Introduction

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Angular Signals: What? Why? and How?

Angular Signals: What? Why? and How?

If you are new to Angular development, you may have heard about Angular Signals but are not quite sure what they are, why they are important, and how to use them. In this article, we will explore the basics of Angular Signals and provide a clear understanding of what they are, why they are important, and how to use them in your Angular applications.

What are Angular Signals?

Angular Signals, also known as RxJS signals, are a way to manage and manipulate asynchronous data streams in your Angular applications. They allow you to work with data streams over time, making it easier to handle events, HTTP requests, and other asynchronous operations in a more declarative manner. Signals are based on the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) library, which provides a set of powerful tools for handling asynchronous operations.

Why are Angular Signals important?

Angular Signals are important because they provide a more efficient and clean way to work with asynchronous data streams in your Angular applications. They can help you manage complex asynchronous operations and handle events in a more declarative and predictable manner. By using Signals, you can create more responsive and reactive user interfaces, as well as simplify error handling and data manipulation in your application.

How to use Angular Signals?

To use Angular Signals in your Angular applications, you will need to include the RxJS library and import the necessary operators and functions for working with Signals. You can then create and manipulate Signals using a variety of methods and operators provided by RxJS, such as map, filter, and merge. Signals can be subscribed to in your Angular components to handle data streams and perform actions based on the emitted values.

Here is an example of how to use Angular Signals in an Angular component:

import { Component, OnInit } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { Observable } from ‘rxjs’;

selector: ‘app-example’,
template: ‘

{{ message$ | async }}

export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
message$: Observable;

ngOnInit() {
this.message$ = new Observable((observer) => {
const data = ‘Hello, Angular Signals!’;

In this example, we are creating a new Signal using the Observable class from RxJS and subscribing to it in the component’s template using the async pipe. This allows us to handle the asynchronous data stream and display the emitted value in the component’s view.

By learning how to use Angular Signals, you can take advantage of the powerful tools provided by RxJS to manage asynchronous operations and create more responsive and reactive Angular applications. Signals can help you simplify and improve the way you handle events, HTTP requests, and other asynchronous data streams in your application, making it easier to write clean and efficient code.

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Carlos Rivadeneira
7 months ago

I'm feeling like I'm in plurlsight, thanks for share your knowledge Deborah

Prathmesh Joshi
7 months ago

Thanks a lot Deborah for this amazing video.
Perfectly explained.

Chuồn Chuồn Karaoke
7 months ago

your videos are great. thank you. 😀

Newdev Hajjouji
7 months ago

Thank you well explaind

Sachal Chandio
7 months ago

you are awesome

Wiliam Ferraciolli
7 months ago

This the best signals tutorial I have ever seen
Thank you Debora

7 months ago

Thank you for the course. I used to follow all of your courses on pluralsight. Is this channel your main source of content now?

Timothy Asigbey
7 months ago

It looks more like mobx is there any possible use case to use signals with ngrx. Nice video by the way. Well explained.

Lingaraj Sureban
7 months ago

as always very fantastic explanation on this topic… 👋👋

vaibhav chawla
7 months ago

Hi Deborah, as always thank you for the detailed explaination. It is always a pleasure to listen to you.
However I have a question which isn't related to signal.

At @20:01 at line number 14 you used $any(event.target).value. What does this expression specifically $any part means ?

Miko panjean
7 months ago

Great Tutorial, that makes life simpler.

Kosta 361
7 months ago

you are a great great teacher deborah 👍 you always break things down in a way that makes it easy to get the bigger picture so just wanted to say thank you for your work 😁

Wonsup Jung
7 months ago

As you are teaching, using RxJS in programming makes the code simpler, more readable, and easier to maintain. However, after discovering the Signal feature recently introduced in Angular, I realized what an amazing technology it is. Through your lectures, I learned that it can make programs even more elegant and improve readability.

Once again, thank you for creating such valuable lectures.

Jean-Francois Gamache
7 months ago

The best signals explanation that a find, always clear. Thank you

Erfan Farhadi
7 months ago

Hi Deborah
thank you for your wonderful video
there is a misunderstanding for me about the update and mutate
could you describe what is difference between update and mutate?

Freddy Montes
7 months ago

Best Signals video ever! Thank you!

Pranam Bhat
7 months ago

Big fan here!

7 months ago

I had to use a differ to detect change in an object (dictionary) type variable. Does signal detect change in object without extra bits of code?

Sarathlal Saseendran
7 months ago

Very nice video. I am expecting your full Angular course on Udemy from beginning to advanced. I am sure that will be 5 star rated most popular course in Udemy history.

Daniel Alfredo Chirinos Rojas
7 months ago

hi Deborah, how can I update a signal from another component?