Understanding Angular’s Lifecycle Hooks

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In Angular, Lifecycle Hooks are special methods that are part of the component class. These hooks allow developers to tap into specific moments in the lifecycle of a component, such as when it is created, rendered, updated, or destroyed. By utilizing these Lifecycle Hooks, developers can execute custom logic at different stages of a component’s lifecycle.

There are several different Lifecycle Hooks available in Angular, each serving a different purpose:

  1. ngOnInit(): This is one of the most commonly used Lifecycle Hooks in Angular. It is called once the component has been initialized, and it is typically used to perform initialization logic, such as fetching data from a server or initializing variables.

  2. ngOnChanges(): This hook is called whenever there is a change to the input properties of the component. It allows developers to react to changes in input properties and update the component accordingly.

  3. ngDoCheck(): This hook is called during every change detection cycle and can be used to perform custom change detection logic. It is often used in combination with ngOnChanges() to detect changes that ngOnChanges() does not capture.

  4. ngAfterContentInit() and ngAfterContentChecked(): These hooks are called after the component’s content has been initialized and checked, respectively. They are typically used to perform additional initialization logic after the content has been initialized.

  5. ngAfterViewInit() and ngAfterViewChecked(): These hooks are called after the component’s view has been initialized and checked, respectively. They are often used to perform additional initialization logic after the view has been initialized.

  6. ngOnDestroy(): This hook is called just before the component is destroyed. It can be used to clean up resources, such as unsubscribing from observables or canceling timers.

To implement Lifecycle Hooks in an Angular component, developers simply need to declare the hook methods in the component class. For example, to use the ngOnInit() hook, you would add the following method to your component class:

ngOnInit() {
  // Initialization logic goes here

Each Lifecycle Hook method receives no arguments, but developers can access the component’s properties and methods within the hook methods.

Here is an example of how you can use Lifecycle Hooks in an Angular component:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-component',
  template: '<p>{{message}}</p>'
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {

  message: string = 'Hello, World!';

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log('Component initialized');


In this example, the ngOnInit() hook is used to log a message to the console when the component is initialized.

Overall, Lifecycle Hooks are a powerful feature of Angular that allow developers to execute custom logic at specific moments in a component’s lifecycle. By utilizing these hooks, developers can create more dynamic and interactive components that respond to changes in the application state.

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2 hours ago

good one

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