Understanding Class Methods and HTTP Verbs in Flask

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Class Methods in Flask

Do you know how class methods respond to HTTP verbs in Flask?

Flask is a popular web framework for Python that allows developers to create web applications easily. One feature of Flask is the ability to define class methods that respond to different HTTP verbs – GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. – for a given route.

When you define a class method in Flask, you can decorate it with the appropriate HTTP verb using the @app.route decorator. For example, if you want a method to respond to GET requests at a specific URL, you can do so by decorating the method like this:

@app.route('/my_endpoint', methods=['GET'])
def my_get_method():
    # code to handle get requests

Similarly, you can define methods that respond to other HTTP verbs by specifying them in the methods parameter of the @app.route decorator. This way, you can easily separate different types of requests and handle them appropriately in your Flask application.

Class methods in Flask are a powerful tool for organizing your application logic and handling different types of requests. By properly decorating your methods with the appropriate HTTP verb, you can ensure that each method responds to the correct type of request and improves the overall design and usability of your web application.