Understanding FastAPI: A Deep Dive into How It Works

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FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+. It’s based on standard Python type hints and is fully compatible with the OpenAPI specification. FastAPI’s architecture is designed to be performant, scalable, and easy to use. In this tutorial, we’ll take a deep dive into the internals of FastAPI and explore how it works under the hood.

Routing in FastAPI:

One of the key features of FastAPI is its powerful routing system. FastAPI uses a Python module called starlette.routing to handle routing. When you define a route using FastAPI’s @app.get() or @app.post() decorators, the framework uses the starlette.routing.Router class to map the URL path to the appropriate handler function.

When a request comes in, FastAPI parses the URL path and matches it against the registered routes to find the appropriate handler function to execute. This process is very efficient and allows FastAPI to handle a large number of requests in a highly performant manner.

Dependency Injection:

FastAPI also supports dependency injection, which allows you to inject dependencies into your route handlers. This can be useful for managing resources, such as database connections or authentication tokens. When you define a dependency using the @app.depends() decorator, FastAPI automatically injects the dependency into the handler function whenever it is called.

The dependency injection system in FastAPI is built on top of the starlette.dependencies.Dependencies class, which manages the dependencies and resolves them at runtime. This provides a clean and elegant way to manage dependencies and ensure that your route handlers are properly encapsulated.

Request and Response Handling:

FastAPI leverages the starlette.requests.Request and starlette.responses.Response classes to handle incoming requests and generate responses. When a request comes in, FastAPI creates a Request object that encapsulates all the information about the request, such as headers, query parameters, and request body.

Similarly, when you return a value from a route handler, FastAPI automatically converts it into a Response object and sends it back to the client. This makes it easy to work with request and response data in a consistent and predictable manner.

Validation and Serialization:

FastAPI also provides built-in support for request validation and response serialization. By using Python type hints and Pydantic models, you can define the structure of your request and response data, which FastAPI uses to automatically validate incoming requests and serialize outgoing responses.

The validation and serialization process is handled by the pydantic.BaseModel class, which validates the incoming data against the specified data model and converts it to the appropriate data type. This helps to ensure that your API is robust and secure, by automatically validating and sanitizing incoming data.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored the internals of FastAPI and how it works under the hood. FastAPI’s powerful routing system, dependency injection support, request and response handling, and built-in validation and serialization make it a versatile and performant web framework for building APIs in Python. By understanding how FastAPI works internally, you can leverage its features to build fast and scalable APIs with ease.

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30 days ago

Great lecture, Love this man's work