Understanding INPUT, OUTPUT, ERROR streams in Python

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Understanding stdin, stdout, stderr in Python

Understanding stdin, stdout, stderr in Python

In Python, stdin, stdout, and stderr are standard streams used for input, output, and error handling respectively. These streams allow you to interact with the user, print output to the console, and handle errors during program execution.


stdin is used for reading input from the user. It is commonly used with the input() function to read user input from the console. For example:

name = input("Enter your name: ")
print("Hello, " + name)


stdout is used for displaying output to the console. You can use the print() function to write output to stdout. For example:

print("This is a sample output")


stderr is used for handling errors and displaying error messages. You can use the sys module to write error messages to stderr. For example:

import sys
    x = 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
    sys.stderr.write("Error: Division by zeron")

Understanding stdin, stdout, and stderr is essential for effective input, output, and error handling in Python programs. By correctly using these standard streams, you can enhance the user experience and make your programs more robust.

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3 months ago


3 months ago

Really useful

3 months ago

Useful video 🙂 I learned something today 🙂

3 months ago

I like to include a function function for printing to stderr so I don't need to keep typing the "file=":
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)

Most of the time when you're reading from stdin, you'll want to process one line at a time. If you don't need a context manager for some other reason, you can just treat sys.stdin as an iterable:
for line in sys.stdin:
if len(line) == 0:
# End of file. Do final stuff here
line = line.rstrip()

Notice the rstrip(): reading includes the terminating (CR and) LF, and you usually don't want them as part of the data.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Zoom your video blurry

3 months ago

I wonder if that works with logging….

3 months ago

250K Subs – congratulations – this has always been a great channel – always informative and interesting. All the best 🤗

3 months ago

POPos is no longer my fav distro. nvim is still running on version 6.1.
You should try a WM in Arch. May be Hyprland or sway

3 months ago

11:00 print has a flush parameter and I can avoid the printing the new line on print function calls.

3 months ago

0:00 I'm wondering if I need this, let's see.

3 months ago

very helpful! thank you

3 months ago

information , ℹ️

3 months ago

Thanks 🤍

3 months ago

Good job ❤

3 months ago

Thanks 😊