Understanding JavaScript setInterval() Function

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What is setInterval() in JavaScript?

What is setInterval() in JavaScript?

The setInterval() method in JavaScript is used to repeatedly execute a function at a specified interval. This can be useful for creating animations, updating live data, or performing any kind of repetitive task that needs to be executed over time.

The syntax for using setInterval() is as follows:

    setInterval(function, milliseconds);

Where function is the function to be executed and milliseconds is the interval at which the function should be called, expressed in milliseconds. For example, if you want a function to be called every 1 second, you would pass 1000 as the value for milliseconds.

It’s important to note that setInterval() continues to execute the function at the specified interval until it is cleared using the clearInterval() method.

Here’s a simple example of how setInterval() can be used:

    let counter = 0;
    let intervalId = setInterval(function() {
      console.log('Count:', counter);
      if (counter === 5) {
    }, 1000);

In this example, the function inside setInterval() logs the value of counter to the console every second. When the value of counter reaches 5, clearInterval() is called to stop the function from executing.

Overall, setInterval() is a powerful tool in JavaScript for creating time-based functionality and can be used in a wide range of applications.


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