Understanding Keras Sequential Model with Examples: A Tutorial by Simplilearn

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Keras is a powerful and easy-to-use deep learning library built on top of TensorFlow and Theano. One of the key components of Keras is the Sequential model, which allows you to create neural networks in a simple and straightforward way. In this tutorial, we will explore the Keras Sequential model and provide an example to demonstrate how to build a neural network using this model.

What is a Sequential Model?

The Sequential model is a linear stack of layers in Keras. It is the simplest type of model in Keras and is commonly used for most deep learning tasks. In a Sequential model, you can easily add layers one by one, and Keras will automatically connect the output of one layer to the input of the next layer.

Creating a Sequential Model:

To create a Sequential model in Keras, you can use the following code snippet:

from keras.models import Sequential

model = Sequential()

This will create an empty Sequential model that you can start adding layers to. The model object is now an instance of the Sequential class, and you can use it to build your neural network.

Adding Layers to a Sequential Model:

To add layers to a Sequential model, you can use the add method. The following code snippet demonstrates how to add a Dense layer with 64 units to the model:

from keras.layers import Dense

model.add(Dense(units=64, activation='relu', input_shape=(100,)))

In this example, we added a Dense layer with 64 units and a ReLU activation function. We also specified an input shape of (100,) for the first layer in the model.

You can add more layers to the model by simply calling the add method multiple times:

model.add(Dense(units=32, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(units=1, activation='sigmoid'))

In this example, we added two more Dense layers to the model, with 32 units and a ReLU activation function for the second layer, and 1 unit with a sigmoid activation function for the final output layer.

Compiling the Sequential Model:

Before training the model, you need to compile it with the desired optimizer, loss function, and evaluation metrics. You can use the compile method to compile the model:

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

In this example, we compiled the model with the Adam optimizer, binary crossentropy loss function, and accuracy as the evaluation metric. You can choose different optimizers, loss functions, and metrics based on your problem domain.

Training the Sequential Model:

Once the model is compiled, you can train it on your data using the fit method:

model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=10, batch_size=32)

In this example, we trained the model on the training data X_train and y_train for 10 epochs with a batch size of 32. You can adjust the number of epochs and batch size based on your data and computational resources.

Evaluating the Sequential Model:

After training the model, you can evaluate its performance on the test data using the evaluate method:

loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)

The evaluate method returns the loss and accuracy of the model on the test data. You can use these metrics to assess the performance of your model and make any necessary adjustments.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of the Keras Sequential model and demonstrated how to build a neural network using this model. The Sequential model is a powerful tool for creating deep learning models in Keras, and it provides a simple and intuitive way to build complex neural networks. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily create and train your own deep learning models with Keras. Good luck with your deep learning projects!

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1 month ago

You are just amazing! Great voice, clearly explained & complexity is simplified …. Simply Learn. Job well done.

1 month ago

That was informative and helping to get to know the basic of under the hood. Thanks.

1 month ago

That's not how it's pronounced. It's KERAS, not "keras".

1 month ago

Can I get the code?

1 month ago

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1 month ago
