
Understanding Middleware in Express JS | Beginner’s Guide to Node.js Tutorials

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Middleware in Express JS is a crucial component that plays a significant role in managing and processing HTTP requests and responses. It acts as a bridge between the server and the end-user, allowing developers to add custom functionalities and logic during the request-response cycle.

To understand middleware further, it is essential to first grasp the fundamentals of Express JS. Express is a lightweight and flexible web application framework for Node.js, which simplifies the process of building robust and scalable web applications. It provides an array of HTTP utility methods, middleware, and routing capabilities to handle various aspects of web development.

Middleware, in the context of Express JS, is a function that receives the request and response objects, along with a “next” parameter. It gives developers the ability to execute code at specific stages of the request-response cycle. This cycle includes processing the request, performing necessary operations, and returning the response to the client.

Express JS middleware can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as authentication, error handling, request parsing, logging, and much more. By utilizing middleware, developers can modularize their code, enhance the functionality of their applications, and improve code maintainability.

Implementing middleware in Express is simple. Middleware functions can be defined using the “app.use” method, which lets developers specify the function to be executed for each request that matches a specific path.

For instance, consider the following code snippet:

app.use(‘/api’, (req, res, next) => {
console.log(‘Middleware function!’);

In the above example, whenever a request is made to a route starting with “/api”, the middleware function will be executed. Here, the function logs a simple message and calls the “next” function to pass control to the next middleware function in the chain.

Middleware functions are executed in the order they are defined, so it’s important to be mindful of their sequence. Developers may use multiple middleware functions for a particular route, allowing them to handle different aspects of the request and response pipeline.

It’s worth noting that middleware functions can modify the request and response objects. For example, they can add properties or manipulate existing ones, attach session data, or perform any operations deemed necessary for the application’s logic.

Additionally, middleware functions can terminate the request-response cycle by sending a response back to the client, bypassing any remaining middleware. This can be useful for error handling or authentication checks to prevent further execution if certain conditions are not met.

In conclusion, middleware is a fundamental concept in Express JS that allows developers to extend and enhance the capabilities of their web applications. It provides a modular approach to handle various aspects of the request-response cycle, such as authentication, error handling, and request parsing. Understanding middleware is essential for building scalable and robust Express applications, and it greatly contributes to better code organization and maintainability.

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Dave Gray
8 months ago

This tutorial will help you learn all about middleware in Express JS. It applies built-in middleware, custom middleware that we will construct to log events and handle errors, and third party middleware. If you're just getting started with Node.js, you may want to start at the beginning of the Node.js for Beginners tutorials playlist found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Zuz27SZ-6PFkIxaJ6Xx_X46avTM1aYw

Paresh B. Patel
8 months ago

A comprehensive tutorial on Middleware in Express, beautifully presented. Thanks, Dave

{2023-10-05}: implemented

Max V
8 months ago

This tut hasn't been liked enough.
I usually don't comment to thank, but thanks Dave

8 months ago

Ona managed vps and keep running into cors error when my front end loads and talks to the backend. I've added the cors settings after the installed apps and still running into cors errors. Need halp

ofofonono umoren
8 months ago

Absolutely great video. Just for improvement purpose, it's best to import logger as a single value (const logger = require('./destination')) rather than as an object with named properties since that not how it was exported in the logEvents file. Even if, it doesn't matter anyways. Thanks for this very elaborate module, Dave.

Soudamini Panda
8 months ago

Very nice tutorial. Very easy to understand

Veerapat Boonkerd
8 months ago

Very nice explanation. Step by step. Easy to follow. Thx

Saquib Ansari
8 months ago

6:02 Check this time stamp
And can you please elaborate that the path of css file you have assigned is different as we used to assign without middlware. I found it after searching alot that the path of middlware and the path of opening html file in a browser will be different.
I still don't know why it is so.
So kindly clear this out.. please please please please❤❤❤❤❤

Bartosz O.
8 months ago

Even if I add my localhost:3000 to allowedOrigins list (whitelist) I can't reach the site. The origin is undefined. Solution: go to 30:22.

Loik Vokhidov
8 months ago

algorithm should recommend these videos to all the people who want to learn NodeJS.

Bhargav S
8 months ago

when a new Error("Not allowed by CORS") is created, does the app.use(errorHandler) receive it automatically, because it has a first arguement as err?

Vignesh B
8 months ago

so far ok completed the second video

Official Taiwo Jazz
8 months ago

Promise {<pending>}
VM1113:1 GET http://localhost:3500/ net::ERR_FAILED
(anonymous) @ VM1113:1
VM1113:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch
at <anonymous>:1:1

HI Dave, not sure if i'm the only one getting this particular error and i'm not even sure where to fix it… Why is the console fetch throwing that error please?

Naviary Music
8 months ago

Thanks Dave!! My websites coming along nicely!

Den McCormik
8 months ago

Thank you for the lesson. Do you know why browser doesn't allow to fetch from console from it's starting window (when url is empty, when we just opened the browser without starter page)? I thought that origin just will be undefined but everything would work.

Brandon Joao Castillo
8 months ago

Why you dont use next() in the errorHandler function? you did it in logger, its because is the last middleware or something like that?

8 months ago

im looking for your typescript tutorial

Louis Shine
8 months ago

Thank you very much for this lesson.

With all due respect. and I do sincerely and deeply have A LOT of respect for everything you are doing here:

For me, the last part where you immediately say to "Like" the video is a bit too aggressive,

Without a single second of silence to breathe, to process, and to execute the "Like" on our own –

Without you asking us to do so, but just because of a natural sense of gratitude.

I feel less sympathy for this kind of… "strategy"(?), because…

Whoever likes the video – will give them a "Like",
And whoever likes to subscribe – will certainly subscribe.

Furthermore, think of people who already subscribed to your channel,

And yet don't have any other choice but to listen to this request in the end of each and every video,
Regardless of the fact that they already did it.

My suggestion (/request) :

Give your viewers a little bit more credit 😌

(in addition, there is actually a graphic invitation to subscribe during the videos already…)

8 months ago

Super tutorial, progression is smooth and so interesting, thx !

8 months ago

A very useful tutorial!!!!