Understanding Node.js can help clarify Pythons Package Installer confusion

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Python’s Package Installer is Confusing – What can we Learn from Node.js?

Python’s Package Installer is Confusing – What can we Learn from Node.js?

Python’s package installer, commonly known as pip, has been a source of confusion and frustration for many developers. The process of managing and installing packages can be complex and daunting, especially for beginners. This has led to numerous complaints and calls for improvement within the Python community.

So, what can we learn from Node.js, a popular runtime that has a much simpler and more streamlined package manager? Here are a few lessons that Python can take away from the Node.js ecosystem:

Simplicity is Key

One of the main reasons why Node.js’ package manager, npm, is so well-loved is its simplicity. The commands for installing, updating, and removing packages are intuitive and easy to remember. Additionally, the package.json file makes it easy to manage dependencies and share projects with other developers.

Python could benefit from a similar level of simplicity and ease of use in its package management system. By streamlining the process and making it more intuitive, developers would be able to spend less time wrestling with the package installer and more time focusing on their code.

Documentation is Crucial

Another area where Node.js excels is in its documentation. The npm website provides comprehensive and well-organized documentation for every package, making it easy for developers to quickly understand how to use a particular package and what its dependencies are.

Improving the documentation for Python packages and making it more accessible could go a long way in helping developers navigate the complex world of package management. Clear and comprehensive documentation can make a world of difference for developers, especially those who are new to a particular package or technology.

Community Involvement

Node.js has a thriving and supportive community that actively contributes to the ecosystem. This has led to a wide variety of high-quality packages being available, as well as a culture of collaboration and sharing within the community.

Python could benefit from encouraging more community involvement and collaboration in its package ecosystem. By fostering a more open and inclusive community, Python could tap into the collective knowledge and expertise of its developers to improve the package management experience for everyone.


In conclusion, Python’s package installer has been a source of frustration for many developers, but there are lessons to be learned from Node.js. By prioritizing simplicity, improving documentation, and fostering a more collaborative community, Python could greatly improve its package management system and make life easier for developers.

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7 months ago

Node is yet another clusterfuck on its own. I moved from NPM to Yarn thinking it'd be better but apparently you can't install Firebase's sdk without getting bombarded with a bunch of practically useless warnings that you cannot even disable every single time you do `yarn add` something. And don't even get me started on the 'speed' of these tools. NPM/Yarn/PNPM whatever literally every single option is slow af, like it can even take minutes before you can finally start working. Go and Rust have it way, way better imo.