
Understanding React: Is It a Frontend or Backend Technology?

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Is React Front or Backend?

When it comes to web development, one question that often arises is whether React is considered to be a front-end or a back-end technology. The answer to this question is quite simple: React is a front-end technology. React is a JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces, and it is commonly used for creating interactive and dynamic front-end applications.

React allows developers to create reusable UI components, which can then be used to build a user interface for a web application. These components can be composed together to create complex user interfaces, and they can be updated and re-rendered efficiently when the underlying data changes. React also works seamlessly with other front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing developers to create visually appealing and interactive web applications.

On the other hand, back-end technologies like Laravel, Razorpay, and others are used for building and maintaining the server-side logic and functionality of a web application. This includes managing databases, handling user authentication, and serving data to the front-end of the application. While React is responsible for everything that the user interacts with on the website, the back-end technologies handle the behind-the-scenes operations and data management.

In conclusion, React is a front-end technology that is used to build user interfaces and create interactive web applications. It works alongside other front-end technologies and complements back-end technologies to create a seamless and functional web application.