Understanding the Angular Injector: What is it and how does it work in Angular?

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An injector in Angular is a crucial part of the framework that is responsible for creating and managing dependencies. In simple terms, an injector is a container that holds all the necessary objects or services that an application needs.

When an Angular application is executed, it uses the injector to access the dependencies required by various components, services, and directives. The injector is responsible for instantiating these dependencies and providing them to the components that request them.

The injector in Angular follows a hierarchical structure, which means that it looks for dependencies in the components’ own injector first. If the required dependency is not found, it then looks for it in the parent components’ injector, and so on, until it reaches the root injector.

To define dependencies in Angular, developers use the @Injectable() decorator or the constructor of a component, service, or directive. This allows the injector to instantiate the required objects and provide them to the components that need them.

In addition to managing dependencies, the injector in Angular also handles dependency injection, which is the process of passing dependencies to a component. This makes it easier for developers to create modular and reusable components that can be easily integrated into different parts of an application.

Overall, the injector plays a vital role in the Angular framework by managing dependencies and facilitating the process of dependency injection. It allows for better organization and modularization of code, which ultimately leads to more maintainable and scalable applications.