Understanding the Ascension of Xi Jinping

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Xi Jinping, the current General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, has risen to prominence over the past decade to become one of the most powerful leaders in the world. His leadership has reshaped Chinese politics and has led to significant changes in the country’s domestic and foreign policies.

Xi Jinping’s rise to power can be traced back to his early political career, which began in the 1980s. He quickly climbed the ranks within the Chinese Communist Party, serving in various provincial leadership roles before ultimately ascending to the top position in 2012. Since then, his leadership has been characterized by a mix of political and economic reforms, as well as a more assertive foreign policy.

One of the key aspects of Xi Jinping’s leadership has been his centralization of power within the Communist Party. He has strengthened the party’s control over various aspects of Chinese society, including the military, the media, and the internet. This has led to a tighter grip on dissent and a more unified approach to governance.

Economically, Xi Jinping has pursued an ambitious agenda of reform and modernization. He has prioritized initiatives aimed at reducing poverty, increasing infrastructure development, and promoting technological innovation. At the same time, he has also launched anti-corruption campaigns and implemented regulations to curb excessive borrowing and investment.

On the international stage, Xi Jinping has sought to expand China’s influence and presence. The Belt and Road Initiative, for example, aims to enhance connectivity and cooperation among countries in Asia and beyond. Additionally, he has taken a more assertive approach to territorial claims in the South China Sea and has sought to strengthen Chinese influence in regions such as Africa and Latin America.

Xi Jinping’s leadership style has been characterized by a strong emphasis on nationalism and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He has promoted the “Chinese Dream,” a vision of national rejuvenation that encompasses economic prosperity, social stability, and global influence. This has resonated with many Chinese people, who view Xi as a strong and capable leader who can lead China to a position of global prominence.

However, Xi’s rise to power has also been accompanied by criticism and concern, both domestically and internationally. Some have raised concerns about his consolidation of power and the impact this has on political and individual freedoms. Others have expressed apprehension about China’s growing assertiveness in the region and its implications for global stability.

As Xi Jinping continues to lead China into the future, it is clear that his influence will be felt on a global scale. Whether his leadership will lead to a more prosperous and stable China, or whether it will lead to increased tensions and conflict, remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: the rise of Xi Jinping has reshaped China and will continue to have a lasting impact on the world.

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6 months ago

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

6 months ago

Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by its breathtaking moments.

6 months ago


6 months ago

While presenting historical facts, the wordings and descriptions are full of Western biases.

6 months ago

Queen just want revenge from taking away her lavish lifestyle in Beijing.

6 months ago

full of bullocks

6 months ago

We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice.

6 months ago

I still feel Xi would be remembered very bitterly in hindsight. The economic wonder seems to be created by Deng which next leaders carried very well. Xi I think played Chinas hand too quickly. They should have waited till the success of BRI. That way they would have secured their way towards global super power while western markets get alienated by Chinese rise.

6 months ago

When motorists sped in and out of traffic, all she could think of was those in need of a transplant.

6 months ago

As someone who is both American and Chinese, I think this video is very interesting when considering its differences from viewpoints within China. For example, while "strict internet censorship and widespread surveillance" is considered an invasion of privacy and a sign of dictatorship in the Western world, most people in China would see it as a means to ensure safety. One way to put it is that almost anyone in Beijing would feel safe walking alone with headphones on in the streets at night. It really is a matter of differences in culture and perspective, and I wouldn't hurry to generalize the Chinese people as one or describe China as a country where an unpopular dictator rules over unhappy subjects (my experiences tell me that the vast majority of Chinese people love Xi for the prosperity he has brought to the country) as some comments (and, to an extent, this video) has.

6 months ago

Full of prejudice

6 months ago

Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgement of others.

6 months ago

To be wrong is nothing unless you continue to remember it.

6 months ago

it would have been better if the language used in a more neutral tone. this sound so like USA trying to condemn china in every way possible!

6 months ago

China is just better than US. That’s all

6 months ago

There are no failures just experiences and your reactions to them.

6 months ago

Western Countries wanted a leader like Xi and Putin.

6 months ago

He had unknowingly taken up sleepwalking as a nighttime hobby.

6 months ago

So scary that dictator like him is in the top of such a big country like china

6 months ago

What a load of bull dungs for your tasting.