Understanding the EventEmitter class in Angular: A quick overview #angular #interviewtips

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What is EventEmitter class in Angular?

The EventEmitter class in Angular is a utility that allows components to communicate with each other. It is often used to emit custom events that can be subscribed to by other components or services.

When an event occurs in a component, such as a button click, the component can use an instance of the EventEmitter class to emit an event with a custom payload. Other components or services can then subscribe to this event and react accordingly.

Here’s an example of how the EventEmitter class is used in an Angular component:

      import { Component, EventEmitter, Output } from '@angular/core';

        selector: 'app-button',
        template: `
      export class ButtonComponent {
        @Output() buttonClick = new EventEmitter();

        onClick() {
          this.buttonClick.emit('Button clicked!');

In this example, the ButtonComponent emits a custom event using an instance of EventEmitter when the button is clicked. Other components can then subscribe to the buttonClick event and react to it.

The EventEmitter class is a powerful tool for building flexible and decoupled Angular applications. It allows components to communicate in a way that promotes reusability and maintainability.

When using the EventEmitter class, it’s important to consider best practices for event handling and to use it judiciously to avoid creating a complex web of interdependent components.