Understanding the Lifespan State in FastAPI

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What is the Lifespan State on FastAPI?

What is the Lifespan State on FastAPI?

When developing web applications with FastAPI, you may come across the concept of “lifespan state”. But what exactly does this mean?

In FastAPI, the “lifespan state” refers to the state of the application at different points in its lifecycle. This includes the startup, shutdown, and reload events that occur during the runtime of the application.

During the startup event, the application initializes and sets up any necessary resources, such as database connections or external services. This is the ideal time to perform any tasks that need to be completed before the application can start serving requests.

On the other hand, the shutdown event occurs when the application is about to stop running. This is where you can clean up any resources or perform any necessary cleanup tasks before the application shuts down entirely.

Additionally, FastAPI also supports the “reload” event, which occurs when the application is reloaded, typically during development when code changes are made and the server needs to be restarted. This event allows you to perform any necessary actions before the application is reloaded.

By understanding the lifespan state in FastAPI, you can effectively manage the startup, shutdown, and reload processes of your application, ensuring that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

Overall, the lifespan state in FastAPI provides a way to manage the application’s state at different points in its lifecycle, allowing for proper initialization, cleanup, and reload functionality.

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6 months ago

Thanks!!! Come back for more awesome stuff.

6 months ago

If I have a big application with multiple files, can I access app.state within the router object? Like router.state or something similar?

6 months ago

we need more

6 months ago


6 months ago

thanks a lot :),
What is your auto pilot plugin ?

6 months ago

Thank you very much!

6 months ago

Thank you for this very helpful video. If we wanted to properly type hint your lifespan function, how would you do it? Also, is any way to recieve typehints on the request state from within an endpoint? Thank you.

6 months ago

You're deprecating app.state from Starlite!?

6 months ago

Just a suggestion please turn up the font size, while streaming.

6 months ago

Thank Marcelo this was top drawer stuff.

6 months ago

welcome back and thanks to video

6 months ago


6 months ago

thank you Marcelo, can you please talk about examples of projects or a series of project like micro services, hexagonal architecture , repository pattern, as a Fastapi expert that would be very helpful for the community and would be a real plus in a our journey as junior to mid developpers.

6 months ago


6 months ago

I love FastAPI, keep up the good work!