
Understanding the $on.constructor in AngularJS and its vulnerability to DOM XSS attacks.

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AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework used for building web applications. It provides developers with powerful tools and features to create dynamic and responsive web pages. However, like any other technology, AngularJS is not immune to security vulnerabilities. One such vulnerability is the DOM Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack.

DOM XSS is a type of XSS attack that exploits vulnerabilities in the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page. The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents, which represents the structure of a web page as a tree-like structure. AngularJS uses the DOM extensively to manipulate and update the content of web pages.

The `$on.constructor` property in AngularJS is an important part of the framework’s event handling system. It allows developers to listen for and handle events triggered by various elements in the application. However, this property can also be vulnerable to DOM XSS attacks if not used correctly.

To understand how this vulnerability can be exploited, let’s consider a simple scenario. Imagine a web application that allows users to submit comments on a blog post. These comments are then displayed on the page using AngularJS’s data-binding feature.

Now, suppose an attacker crafts a malicious comment that includes a script tag with JavaScript code. If this comment is not properly sanitized or validated by the application, AngularJS will treat it as trusted content and execute the script code when the comment is displayed on the page. This can lead to various forms of XSS attacks, including stealing user’s sensitive information, manipulating the page’s content, or redirecting the user to a malicious website.

To defend against this vulnerability, developers should implement proper input validation and sanitization techniques. AngularJS provides built-in mechanisms for this purpose, such as the `ngSanitize` module, which can be included as a dependency in the application.

The `ngSanitize` module provides a set of filters and services to sanitize and sanitize HTML content. For example, the `ng-bind-html` directive can be used to render HTML content from a trusted source and automatically sanitize any unsafe content.

Another recommended practice is to use contextual escaping when injecting dynamic content into the DOM. AngularJS provides a strict contextual escaping mechanism that ensures only safe content is rendered and executed. Developers should avoid using the `$sce` service with the `trustAsHtml` or `trustAsResourceUrl` methods, as these can introduce XSS vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, the `$on.constructor` property in AngularJS is a powerful tool for event handling but can also be vulnerable to DOM XSS attacks if not used correctly. Developers should be aware of this vulnerability and implement proper input validation and sanitization techniques to mitigate the risk. By following best practices and utilizing AngularJS’s built-in security mechanisms, developers can create secure and robust web applications.

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bolbol infosec
10 months ago

❤damn bro i think that you are the best teacher in youtube

10 months ago

Thank you!!!

Sakib Ahamed
10 months ago

Was watching on portswigger academy. Came here just to give a like and do a comment. This is such an amazing tutorial with easy to grasp and deep dive into the working principals of javascript! Thanks man.

10 months ago

I love it, please make more videos like this

Ali El-shafei
10 months ago

This tutorial changed the way I approach problem-solving because it was  excellent. The way I approach problems has been greatly improved by the way I think, search, and understand how things work.

10 months ago


suraj singh
10 months ago

why this payload, why not other

Ogwok William
10 months ago

Helped me make sense of a lot of things. thanks again

Narayanan AWS
10 months ago

brother you are the true legend, in depth explanation is key to share knowledge truly

Igor Castro
10 months ago

I understand the majority bbuy why you have to pass all of it inside { } ??

Igor Castro
10 months ago

Man, your videos are helping me so much. Thanks and keep the great work

10 months ago

fundamentally understanding what you are doing is really important, thank you very much!

10 months ago

Beautifully explained. Thank you!

Acron Project
10 months ago

Thank you very much

10 months ago

Really really good. Thanks for explaining this. Subbed

10 months ago

great explanation

Ray A
10 months ago

Thank you so much!!!

10 months ago

this was really great. Very well done and thank you for this !

David Daniel
10 months ago

Great explanation