United Nations: African Union Commission and UN Chief Meet to Discuss African Developments

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The recent conference between United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres and African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat has shed light on the positive developments taking place in Africa. The two leaders met to discuss the progress and challenges facing the continent, and emphasized the importance of continued collaboration between the UN and African Union in promoting peace, stability, and development in the region.

One of the key topics of discussion at the conference was the ongoing efforts to address the root causes of conflict and instability in Africa. Secretary-General Guterres commended the African Union’s efforts to promote peace and security on the continent, and reiterated the UN’s commitment to supporting these initiatives. He also highlighted the importance of addressing the underlying socio-economic and political factors that contribute to conflict, and stressed the need for sustainable and inclusive development in Africa.

The conference also focused on the significant strides that Africa has made in recent years in terms of economic and social development. Both leaders acknowledged the progress that has been made in reducing poverty, increasing access to education and healthcare, and promoting gender equality. They also noted the growing investment in infrastructure and technology across the continent, which has contributed to economic growth and improved living standards for many African citizens.

However, despite these positive developments, both Guterres and Mahamat acknowledged that many challenges still remain. They highlighted the need for continued international support to address issues such as climate change, food insecurity, and the impact of conflicts and displacement on communities. They also discussed the importance of promoting good governance, human rights, and the rule of law in order to ensure sustainable development and stability in Africa.

One of the key outcomes of the conference was a renewed commitment from both the UN and the African Union to work together to address these challenges. Secretary-General Guterres emphasized the UN’s support for the African Union’s Agenda 2063, which sets out a vision for Africa’s development over the next few decades. He also pledged to continue providing assistance to African countries in areas such as peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and sustainable development.

Overall, the conference between Secretary-General Guterres and Chairperson Mahamat highlighted the progress and potential of Africa, while also acknowledging the need for continued international support to address the continent’s challenges. By working together, the UN and the African Union are committed to promoting peace, development, and prosperity in Africa, and ensuring that the continent’s positive trajectory continues in the years to come.

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6 months ago

درودبرشما دوستان خوب

6 months ago

👋 Antonio Guterres,Secretary-General Of United Nations And Moussa Faki Mahamat,ChairPerson Of The African Union Commission.

6 months ago

Clima….no longer Windparks in oceans seas…..no Energy for cars on streets out of the oceans . For fishes of cause .

6 months ago

Parabéns pelo trabalho parece que a paz começa a reinar por isso desejo um feliz nata e ano novo estarei rezando, orando e jejum nesses dias por todos que perderam suas vidas e aqueles que estão vivos e o meu desejo e de minha cachorrinha essa grande família.

6 months ago

We see here all the hypocrisy of the United Nations which is exploited by western powers for their imperialist interests.
At a time when the United Nations is talking about human rights, a genocide is being perpetrated in Palestine. And no one is taking any drastic measures to stop it.
Moussa Faki Mahamat himself comes from Chad, a country ruled by a bloodthirsty dictator supported by France, "the country of human rights". The same Moussa Faki Mahamat had given his agreement to ECOWAS to attack Niger with the aim of preserving french neocolonialist interests in this country.

6 months ago

Pas d afric no development tu quitt les yeux humanity

6 months ago


6 months ago

Bydaway uno sec gen ap ki nazar
In hasarton se keh do kahien sur ja base ..
itni jaga ni hai Dil e Daag Daar mien ..
Baqi next every year in future in uno head Quatar mien mulaqat hoti rahe gi uno officals 😊〽️💐👍

6 months ago

Due Respect UN!
Consuming huge to hold sustainable peace keeping!
US decided over 300 industries to have in Joint venture company in African 8 countries.
Damaging clusters everywhere it's for Africa also Asian Countries.
Political clashes bringing terrorism and terrorism causing risks to have multinational economy.

6 months ago

UN – useless nations

6 months ago


6 months ago

stop israeli occupation free Palestine

6 months ago

In the case of Palestain and Israel Hamas took wrong action by starting fire and Israel took right action to protect her self.But one of them took exterimily action . We need to discuse on this issu in the meeting. Thankyou.

6 months ago

Global Awareness drive support African Countries . Global Awareness drive believe economy growth of African countries can only take place through foreign investors and Technology growth. Global Awareness drive support Anti Terrorism or Counter Terrorism movements.

6 months ago

Cyber hackers in Nigeria too

6 months ago

Corruption plagues the continent more than anything

6 months ago

In 2015 99 White Rhinos was slaughtered and butchered by evil poachers

6 months ago

The Rapid Support Force losing their battle with Sudans Military which they will not win against away has turned their frustrations on some innocent civilians raping, killing, stealing all at free will with no end insight

6 months ago

Nigeria is so corrupt and killing Christian’s there has become nauseating

6 months ago

Lol empty interior and lonely Antonio asking for money on climate change 😂😂😂 un corrupted af . Un must be disassembled