Upcoming Angular 16 Release: Essential @Input() Feature

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Angular 16 Prerelease – Required @Input() Feature

Angular 16 Prerelease – Required @Input() Feature

Angular is a popular front-end framework for building web applications. The upcoming release of Angular 16 is highly anticipated, and one of the new features that developers are excited about is the required @Input() feature.

In Angular, the @Input() decorator is used to pass data from a parent component to a child component. This feature allows for better communication between components and is essential for building modular and reusable code.

With the required @Input() feature in Angular 16, developers will be able to specify that a certain input property is mandatory for the component to function properly. This will help in making the code more robust and prevent unexpected errors due to missing input properties.

Here’s an example of how the required @Input() feature can be used in Angular 16:

      import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';

          selector: 'app-child',
          template: `


` }) export class ChildComponent { @Input() inputData: string; @Input() requiredInputData: string; // specify the input property as required ngOnInit() { if (!this.requiredInputData) { throw new Error('requiredInputData is required'); } } }

In this example, the requiredInputData input property is specified as required using the required @Input() feature. During the component’s initialization, a check is performed to ensure that the required input property is provided. If not, an error is thrown.

Overall, the required @Input() feature in Angular 16 will be a game-changer for developers, as it will provide better control and validation of input properties in Angular components. This will ultimately lead to more reliable and maintainable code.

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6 months ago

Great stuff. Was wondering when are you going to cover signals in depth

6 months ago

It's very useful ☺️☺️☺️

6 months ago


6 months ago

What happens if a required input is provided a variable which is initially undefined but set later on? Does it compile or throws error

6 months ago

Is this not a compile time error, at run time you will know about that, if we are switching strict template also true, it is not throwing. Means still we lagging with typescript intelligence 😒. Strict typing features for templates is very mandatory, hope in future that would be taken care by the team 🤞

6 months ago
