
Updated React JS Tutorial – From Beginner to Advanced (2023)

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React JS Tutorial – Basic to Advanced (2023)

React JS has become increasingly popular in recent years as a powerful and efficient JavaScript library for building user interfaces. With its component-based architecture, React allows developers to create reusable UI components and build complex applications with ease. If you’re looking to learn React JS or enhance your existing skills, this tutorial will guide you through the basics to advanced concepts in React JS.

1. Getting Started with React JS:
– Install Node.js and npm
– Set up a React project using Create React App
– Explore the project structure and understand the key files

2. Understanding JSX:
– Introduce JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript
– Learn how to write JSX code and understand its relationship with JavaScript
– Understand how JSX gets compiled to JavaScript

3. Components and Props:
– Get familiar with React components and their usage
– Understand the component lifecycle and its different phases
– Pass data to components using props and understand prop types

4. State and Event Handling:
– Learn how to manage state within components
– Handle user events and update component state accordingly
– Explore different approaches for handling events in React

5. Hooks:
– Introduce React hooks, a feature introduced in React 16.8
– Learn about useState, useEffect, and other commonly used hooks
– Understand how hooks enable functional components to have state and side-effects

6. React Router:
– Learn how to navigate between different pages in a React application
– Set up routing using React Router
– Handle dynamic and nested routes

7. Redux for State Management:
– Understand the need for state management in larger applications
– Introduce Redux, a popular state management library for React
– Learn how to create actions, reducers, and connect components to the Redux store

8. React Forms and Validation:
– Build forms in React and manage form state
– Implement form validation using libraries like Formik or Yup
– Explore different form input types and handling user input

9. Advanced React Techniques:
– Dive deeper into topics like higher-order components, render props, and context API
– Learn about performance optimization techniques in React
– Explore best practices for structuring and scaling React applications

10. Testing React Applications:
– Understand the importance of testing in developing robust applications
– Learn about different testing approaches for React applications
– Use popular testing libraries like Jest and React Testing Library

By following this comprehensive React JS tutorial, you will gain a strong foundation in React development and be equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to build modern, interactive web applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, staying up to date with the latest concepts and best practices in React JS will give you a competitive edge in the field of web development. So, start your React journey today and unlock endless possibilities for building impressive user interfaces.

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MVP Highlights
8 months ago

This is course is awesome! I think all the stuff that I need to learn to become a react dev is here..Thank you..

Coding wallah
8 months ago

is there is some parts cut?

anony mous
8 months ago

Tooooooo much talking

Kofi-Tawiah Agyeman
8 months ago

I have a feeling this was AI Generated

Samrath Chauhan
8 months ago

This is the most detailed course I've ever seen.

TT Chan
8 months ago

This course is a waste of time, completely tutorial hell, trash it

dana studebaker
8 months ago


S Lange
8 months ago

Ugg ditch the talk at the beginning

8 months ago

i have purchased this course already in Coursera??

Vishal Wadnere
8 months ago

This called learn from scratch
thanks for your efforts

Hearttouching Quotes
8 months ago

the intro is ai generated right?

Kazuaki Kinjo
8 months ago

Hi, this React Course is provided by Coursera. All learners pay subscription monthly fee so that these videos shouldn’t be shared on YouTube.

Abibat Salaudeen
8 months ago

wow!!!!! i really enjoy your explanation. am sure i will learn alot on this video

Richard Sinclair
8 months ago

If anyone is interested, this is actually lifted from the "Meta Front-End Developer" course on Coursera, taught by Meta staff. The actual course itself is massive. This seems to be a much smaller summarization (a very good one though) of it.

8 months ago

This guy talks about react for hours without blinking 😂😂

Azan Sajid
8 months ago

that AI nigga is getting the shit out of me

nadin elhalawany
8 months ago

why the rest of the playlist is hidden :(?

8 months ago

These tutorials nowadays need to disable the forward skip where they want you to stop and not where you want to land on the skipping. You can't forward and seek the video to any part antmore so that you can get the gist of the tutorial if you want to commit to it or not.

Ethio Tech Ninja
8 months ago

This tutorial on React is undeniably one of the finest and most exceptional ones available.