Updates on Vue 3.3, Svelte, CSS 22/23, Meta and OpenJS Foundation in JS News E3

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JS News E3 – Vue 3.3, Svelte updates, New in CSS 22/23, Meta + OpenJS Foundation, GitHub Code Search

JS News E3

Vue 3.3

Vue 3.3 has been released, bringing with it a number of improvements and new features. This update includes better TypeScript support, performance optimizations, and new features like the ability to define custom directives with global APIs. Vue 3 continues to evolve and improve, making it an even more powerful and flexible framework for building modern web applications.

Svelte updates

Svelte, the popular compiler for building web applications, has received some significant updates. The latest version includes improvements to the syntax, better TypeScript integration, and performance enhancements. Svelte continues to be a favorite among developers for its simplicity and efficiency in building web applications, and these updates further solidify its position in the web development landscape.

New in CSS 22/23

The latest updates to CSS bring new features and improvements to the language. CSS 22/23 includes new selectors, support for nesting, and updates to existing properties like grid and flexbox. These updates continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with web design and layout, making it easier for developers to create modern and responsive web applications.

Meta + OpenJS Foundation

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has joined the OpenJS Foundation as a Platinum Member. This partnership will help support the development of open-source JavaScript projects and strengthen the open web ecosystem. The collaboration between Meta and the OpenJS Foundation is a significant step towards advancing the state of JavaScript and web development as a whole.

GitHub Code Search

GitHub has announced the launch of a new code search feature, making it easier for developers to find and discover code on the platform. This new feature includes powerful search capabilities, allowing users to search for code snippets, repositories, and specific lines of code. This will be a valuable tool for developers looking to find and reuse existing code, as well as learn from others’ code practices.