
Updates on Vue and Vite at VueConf US 2024

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At VueConf US 2024, there were several updates and enhancements announced for Vue and Vite, two popular front-end development tools used by developers worldwide. In this tutorial, we will go through the key updates announced at the conference and how you can leverage them in your projects.

1. Vue 4.0 Updates:
Vue 4.0 was one of the major announcements at VueConf US 2024. The new version comes with several improvements and new features that aim to make Vue even more powerful and developer-friendly.

One of the key updates in Vue 4.0 is the new Composition API. The Composition API allows you to organize your code in a more modular and reusable way, making it easier to manage complex components. With the Composition API, you can create custom hooks that can be shared across multiple components, reducing duplication and improving code maintainability.

Another important update in Vue 4.0 is the enhanced reactivity system. Vue’s reactivity system has been optimized for better performance, making your applications faster and more responsive. The new reactivity system also includes improved support for reactive data structures, making it easier to work with complex data models in your Vue applications.

Additionally, Vue 4.0 introduces a new teleport component that allows you to dynamically render components at a different location in the DOM. The teleport component is especially useful for building complex layouts with nested components that need to be rendered at specific locations in the HTML structure.

Overall, Vue 4.0 brings a host of new features and improvements that will help you build better and more efficient Vue applications.

2. Vite 3.0 Updates:
Vite, the fast build tool for Vue and React applications, also received a major update at VueConf US 2024. Vite 3.0 comes with several enhancements and new features that make it even more powerful and developer-friendly.

One of the key updates in Vite 3.0 is the new plugin system. The new plugin system allows you to extend Vite’s functionality with custom plugins, making it easier to add new features and optimize your build process. With the plugin system, you can add support for new file types, optimize your code using minification and tree shaking, and integrate with third-party tools and services.

Another important update in Vite 3.0 is the improved dev server performance. The dev server in Vite has been optimized for faster reload times and improved hot module replacement, making the development experience smoother and more efficient. The improved dev server performance is especially useful for large projects with complex build configurations.

Additionally, Vite 3.0 introduces a new experimental feature called VitePress. VitePress is a static site generator built on top of Vite that allows you to create fast and performant documentation websites for your projects. With VitePress, you can write Markdown files and use Vue components to create interactive and dynamic documentation websites with ease.

In conclusion, Vite 3.0 brings a host of new features and improvements that will help you build faster and more efficient Vue and React applications.

In this tutorial, we have covered the key updates and enhancements announced for Vue and Vite at VueConf US 2024. With the new features and improvements introduced in Vue 4.0 and Vite 3.0, you can take your front-end development projects to the next level and build better and more performant applications. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the documentation for Vue 4.0 and Vite 3.0 to learn more about the new features and how you can leverage them in your projects. Happy coding!

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24 days ago

Ready to master Vue.js? Level up here 👉 https://www.vuemastery.com

24 days ago

Yeah, Evan… What a legend

24 days ago

The best framework ever!

24 days ago

cant wait for the useId 💚

24 days ago

It was deeply disappointing to hear Vite pronounced Veet, i don't know if i can call it that.

24 days ago

One think I honestly don't understand is that if we have a javascript framework (I have started with vue this week and already made an excelent choise) why don't you guys pair in laravel + tailwind + vue full crazy stack and working 2gether. Maybe I'm fresh and there is a lot of personality involved but cmon. There is people charging for dark mode… Here we doing hystory (I don't like livewire and alpine mess, and it's fking mess). Vue + vite + laravel + tailwind is my final stop. There is maybe some cases where tailwind is not well suited l, but you have to work more with Lara backend team in order to establish. Vue is mature as hell and powerful. ❤And ❤

24 days ago

I really wish they put the focus on authentication and authorization. I know it's out of scope but it's always out of radar but very important for almost every app

24 days ago

So much respect for Evan in the way he's lead Vue through the years.

24 days ago

Hopefully soon Vue Native can catch up with React Native.

24 days ago

the bottle neck now is typescript on visual code, its not stable, and it cannot scale up

24 days ago


24 days ago

I would suggest Quasar Framework to the list, it also uses Vite and it is pretty nice project

24 days ago

I still don't understand why Vue isn't the #1 JS framework still. It is just perfect, and the team is amazing and focused on really important things. I use it, as much as I use Go for my API's, and they both minimalistic and share the same principle – just get shit done, don't care too much about implementation details and other stuff. You just do stuff

24 days ago

What a legend. Great presentation and thank you to the team for their efforts.

24 days ago

looking forward to rolldown.

24 days ago

Volar was the single reason I migrate to React. please change it

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