
Updating API and MongoDB data through Node JS and Express JS for Back-End Development

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Back-End Development with Node JS and Express JS

Back-End Development with Node JS and Express JS

Back-End development is a crucial part of web development, as it involves creating the logic and functionality that powers the server-side of a web application. Node JS and Express JS are popular technologies for building back-end systems, and are commonly used together to create powerful and scalable web applications.

Updating API with Express JS

Express JS is a minimalist web application framework for Node JS, and is commonly used to build powerful APIs. When it comes to updating an API, Express makes it easy to handle incoming requests, process data and send back the appropriate responses. With Express, developers can easily define routes, handle HTTP methods, and perform middleware operations to update the API.

Updating Data in MongoDB

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is commonly used in back-end development. It stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, making it easy to update and retrieve information from the database. Using Node JS and Express JS, developers can easily connect to a MongoDB database, perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and update data as needed. This allows for seamless data management and storage within the back-end system.


Node JS and Express JS are powerful tools for back-end development, and when used together, they provide a solid foundation for building robust web applications. With the ability to update APIs and manage data in MongoDB, developers have the necessary tools to create efficient and scalable back-end systems that can handle complex business logic and data processing.