
Upgrading Angular v15 with Angular Material using CRUD in Angular and Spring | Tutorial 38

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CRUD Angular + Spring | 38: Upgrade Angular v15 com Angular Material

CRUD Angular + Spring | 38: Upgrade Angular v15 com Angular Material

Angular is a popular front-end framework for building web applications, and Spring is a widely used back-end framework for Java applications. In this article, we will discuss upgrading Angular to version 15 and integrating Angular Material for a better UI and user experience.

Upgrade Angular to version 15

Angular regularly releases new versions with updates, improvements, and new features. Upgrading to the latest version ensures that your application is up to date and benefits from the latest enhancements. To upgrade to Angular version 15, you can follow the official Angular update guide provided by the Angular team. It includes detailed instructions and recommendations for migrating from older versions to the latest version.

Integrate Angular Material

Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular applications that provides a set of high-quality UI components and styles. Integrating Angular Material into your Angular application can enhance the user interface and make it more interactive and visually appealing. You can easily add Angular Material to your project by running a simple command using npm or yarn, and then importing the required modules and components into your application.

CRUD Operations with Angular and Spring

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are fundamental in web applications for managing data. In our example, we will create a simple CRUD application using Angular for the front end and Spring for the back end. We will implement a user interface with Angular Material components for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from a backend server using Spring’s RESTful services.


Upgrading to the latest version of Angular and integrating Angular Material can significantly improve the performance, user experience, and overall quality of your web application. By combining the power of Angular with the robustness of Spring, you can build powerful and efficient web applications that meet the needs of modern users. We hope this article has provided you with insights and guidance for upgrading your Angular application and enhancing it with Angular Material.

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7 months ago

hi Loiane, i am currently using Java 20 with with Java Spring Boot 3.1.3 and Angular 16.2, everything still working fine

Janaína Santos
7 months ago

Uma coisa que não aparece mais depois da refatoração é o asterisco do campo do nome do curso no form

Fernando Nascimento
7 months ago

Aqui resolveu a quebradeira apagando o node_modules e o package.json-lock e dando npm install. A parte de ajeitar os imports tem que ser na mão mesmo

Fernando Nascimento
7 months ago

Quebrou tudo

Felipe L
7 months ago

👏👏👏 Que Palestra de Upgrade foi essa. Só quem já penou sabe … Obrigado Loiane <3

Rubens Samuel
7 months ago

Muito boa aula, esses components Stand-Alone vão ajudar muito e creio que fazer vários projetos utilizarem o Angular v15

Anderson G. Pereira
7 months ago

Caramba eu tenho um projetinho bem adiantado que já tem alguns módulos e dezenas de componentes, fiz esse update do 14 para 15 e quebrou tudo kkkk. Parte de css foi terrível, nem sabia mais o que estava funcionando, mudou muita coisa 🤪

Alexson Felipe
7 months ago

Curso de qualidade, show de bola!!! S2

7 months ago

Gran video 👌