
Upgrading from Angular 12 to Angular 13: Application Migration and Step-by-Step Upgrade Process

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SAKS | Angular 12 to Angular 13 Application Migration

SAKS | Angular 12 to Angular 13 Application Migration

With the release of Angular 13, it’s important for businesses to consider migrating their Angular 12 applications to the new version in order to take advantage of the latest features, performance improvements, and security updates. This article will outline the steps for migrating an Angular 12 application to Angular 13.

Angular 13 Upgrade Steps

  1. Update Dependencies: The first step in migrating to Angular 13 is to update all the dependencies in your project’s package.json file to their latest versions. This includes updating Angular, RxJS, TypeScript, and any third-party libraries used in the application.
  2. Angular CLI Update: Next, update the Angular CLI to the latest version using the following command: ng update @angular/cli @angular/core. This will ensure that you have the latest tools and commands needed for the migration.
  3. Run Migration Schematics: Angular provides migration schematics to help automate the process of updating your application code to be compatible with Angular 13. Run the migration schematics using the following command: ng update @angular/cli @angular/core --migrate-only.
  4. Resolve Deprecated APIs: Angular 13 may introduce changes to the APIs used in your application. It’s important to review the deprecation warnings and resolve any deprecated code, APIs, or third-party library usage to ensure compatibility with the new version.
  5. Testing: After updating the code, it’s crucial to thoroughly test the application to ensure that it functions as expected with Angular 13. This includes unit tests, end-to-end tests, and manual testing to catch any potential issues.
  6. Performance Optimization: Take advantage of any new performance optimizations or features introduced in Angular 13 to improve the overall speed and efficiency of your application.
  7. Security Enhancements: Angular 13 may include security updates and enhancements, so it’s important to review any new security features and ensure that your application follows best practices for security.

By following these steps and staying up-to-date with the latest version of Angular, businesses can ensure that their applications remain secure, performant, and benefit from the latest features and improvements. Migrating to Angular 13 will also ensure that your application stays supported by the Angular team and the wider community.