“US Criticized for Blocking UN Call for Gaza Ceasefire” – BBC News

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The United States has come under fire after blocking a United Nations Security Council statement calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The move has caused widespread criticism from world leaders and human rights organizations, who are demanding an end to the violence that has claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including many innocent civilians.

The statement, which was put forth by Norway, Tunisia, and China, called for a halt to the hostilities between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and for the protection of civilians. However, the US vetoed the call, raising concerns about the country’s continued support for Israel in the ongoing conflict.

The decision has sparked outrage and condemnation from various quarters, with many arguing that the US’s opposition to a ceasefire only serves to prolong the suffering of the people in Gaza. Critics have accused the US of prioritizing its political alliances over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has seen a significant escalation in recent days, with Israel launching airstrikes in Gaza and Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory. The violence has resulted in a high number of civilian casualties and massive destruction, as well as a growing humanitarian crisis.

In response to the US veto, world leaders and human rights organizations have called for immediate action to halt the bloodshed and provide humanitarian assistance to those affected. They have stressed the importance of a ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and to create space for diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict.

The US’s decision to block the UN call for a ceasefire has also reignited debates about its role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its support for Israel. The move has raised questions about the US’s commitment to upholding human rights and international law in the face of such a dire humanitarian crisis.

In a statement following the US’s veto, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his deep concern about the escalating violence and reiterated the urgent need for a ceasefire. He also emphasized the need for all parties to respect international humanitarian law and to protect civilians.

As the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, the US’s decision to block the UN call for a ceasefire has only added to the growing international outcry over the conflict. It remains to be seen how the US will respond to the mounting pressure to address the crisis and to change its stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the meantime, the people of Gaza continue to suffer as the world watches and waits for a resolution to the violence.

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9 months ago

Criticism by the BBC, aljazera , Russia and China coalition in order to attack Israel and the Jews anywhere in the world. Argentina free stands with Israel. Bravo Milei!

9 months ago

An obviously biased reporter.

9 months ago

Palestinian were treated as a second class citizenship

9 months ago

USA exposed its hypocrisy

9 months ago

Shameful the Uk abstained instead of voting against a ceasefire

9 months ago

Figures everything is always USA fault for shit on the other side of the world

9 months ago

Steven Arlanger, this is a beautiful world. You wouldn't have an interview like this.

9 months ago

Pls work for world, donot destroy mony for destroy human being use for developmet alsatmosphere. .for

9 months ago

Very very sad.

9 months ago

Why start ??? What is end / Ukreine /Rashia ??? Last…

9 months ago

Humanity has been shamed by us n the filthy Israel

9 months ago

The one to blame is HAMAS. It asked for what's happening

9 months ago

why doesn't the UN ask for hamas to surrender?

9 months ago


9 months ago

The Jewish threat to America
Franklin Prophecy
danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil our institutions. They should be excluded by the Constitution.

9 months ago

Why USA appointed African Americans in UN? What is the motives behind?
Who will release Palestinian children, women and men from Israeli prisoners??
Israeli arrested innocent civilians without evidence, Palestinian are suffering last 80 years, genocide is going on last 80 years.
Palestinian resistance groups can stands against Apartheid regime, Palestinian fighters will protect their citizens and land from Israeli.
Germany kicked out Zionist from German land, now selling weapons to Israel and blocking ceasefire.
Israeli should go back Germany and fight for their own ancestors land in Germany but not in Palestinian land.
USA and British can give their own land to Israeli, why Western supporting Israeli genocide on Palestinian civilians, Palestinian fighters will fight for their own citizens and land, they have right to defend themselves, Israeli can defend only for German land because Germany kicked out Zionist from Germany.
Zionist go back to Germany and fight for your own ancestors land.

9 months ago

Did Hamas had respect for international law before attacking Israel on October 7

9 months ago

Robert wood, such an idiot

9 months ago

So did Israeli shoot their own people from helicopters or not??? Because if they did, why do they keep talking about that day as if hamas was in control in any way

9 months ago

Nobody's responsible for this mess, except Hamas, and the Palestinian people who put them in power. Hamas has not organized elections for 17 years. Hamas is responsible attack for the terror attack. Hamas declared war. Not Israël. Not the US.