Use Inline CSS in React.js Components

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In React.js, inline CSS can be passed into components to apply styling directly to elements. This allows for greater control over the appearance of individual components, without the need for separate CSS files.

To pass inline CSS into React.js components, the style attribute can be utilized within the JSX code. This attribute accepts an object containing key-value pairs of CSS properties and their respective values. For example, to apply a red background color and a 20px font size to a

element, the following code can be used:


Hello, world!


In this example, the style attribute is set to an object with the backgroundColor and fontSize properties defined. The double curly braces are used to denote that the value passed is an object literal in JavaScript.

Additionally, inline CSS can also be passed dynamically using JavaScript variables. This is particularly useful for applying conditional styling based on certain states or props of the component. For instance, a variable can be defined to hold the desired CSS properties, and then passed into the style attribute:

const color = ‘blue’;

Hello, world!


This approach allows for responsive styling based on real-time data and user interactions.

Furthermore, inline CSS can be used in conjunction with classNames to provide additional styling. The classNames attribute can be used to apply external CSS classes to the element, while the style attribute can be used for inline CSS. This provides a flexible way to combine both external and inline styling within a component.

It is important to note that while inline CSS can be powerful and convenient, it should be used judiciously to maintain code readability and maintainability. In cases where multiple components require the same styling, it may be more appropriate to use external CSS files or CSS-in-JS libraries to ensure consistency and easier maintenance.

In conclusion, passing inline CSS into React.js components can be achieved using the style attribute within the JSX code. This approach allows for granular control over the appearance of individual components, and can be used dynamically based on component state or props. By leveraging inline CSS, developers can create more responsive and customizable user interfaces within their React.js applications.