Use tqdm Progress Bar to Retrieve Movie Information API Data in Python Automation

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Adding tqdm Progress Bar to Fetch Movie Information API Data

Adding tqdm Progress Bar to Fetch Movie Information API Data

When fetching movie information from an API using Python, it can be helpful to add a progress bar to track the progress of the data retrieval process. One way to do this is by using the tqdm library, which provides a simple progress bar that can be easily integrated into your code.

Here’s an example of how you can use tqdm to add a progress bar to your movie information API data fetching script:

import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

# Make a request to the movie information API
response = requests.get('')

# Get the total number of movies to fetch
total_movies = len(response.json())

# Create a tqdm progress bar
with tqdm(total=total_movies) as pbar:
    for movie in response.json():
        # Fetch movie information
        movie_info = requests.get(f'{movie}')
        # Process movie information
        # Update progress bar

In the code snippet above, we first make a request to the movie information API and get the total number of movies to fetch. We then create a tqdm progress bar with the total number of movies as the total number of iterations. Inside the loop, we fetch the movie information, process it, and update the progress bar by one iteration.

By adding a progress bar using tqdm to your movie information API data fetching script, you can easily track the progress of the data retrieval process and ensure that your script is running smoothly.

Happy coding!

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