
Using Angular to Integrate Google Calendar API with the Google Calendar JavaScript API

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Integrating Google Calendar API with Angular

Integrating Google Calendar API with Angular

Google Calendar is a popular online calendar that allows you to schedule and manage events. With the Google Calendar API, you can programmatically access and manage your calendar data. In this article, we will explore how to integrate the Google Calendar API with an Angular application using the Google Calendar JavaScript API.

Step 1: Set up the Google Calendar API

Before we can integrate the Google Calendar API with our Angular application, we need to set up the API in the Google Cloud Platform console. Follow these steps to get started:

  • Create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform console.
  • Enable the Google Calendar API for the project.
  • Create credentials for the API, selecting “Web server” as the application type.
  • After creating the credentials, you will be provided with a client ID and client secret. Note down these credentials as we will need them later in our Angular application.

Step 2: Set up an Angular Application

Now that the Google Calendar API is set up, we can create our Angular application and integrate the API. Follow these steps to set up an Angular application:

  • Install Angular CLI if you haven’t already: npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Create a new Angular project: ng new google-calendar-app
  • Change into the project directory: cd google-calendar-app

Step 3: Integrate the Google Calendar API

Now that we have our Angular application set up, we can start integrating the Google Calendar API. Follow these steps to integrate the API:

  • Install the Google Calendar JavaScript API client library: npm install --save gapi-client
  • Create a service to handle Google Calendar API calls. This service will need to authenticate with the Google Calendar API using the client ID and client secret obtained earlier.
  • Use the Google Calendar API client library to make requests to the API for fetching, creating, updating, and deleting events.

Step 4: Display Google Calendar Events

With the Google Calendar API integrated into our Angular application, we can now display the events from the user’s calendar. Follow these steps to display Google Calendar events:

  • Create a component to display the Google Calendar events.
  • Use the Google Calendar API service to fetch events from the user’s calendar and display them in the component.


Integrating the Google Calendar API with an Angular application allows for powerful calendar management capabilities within your app. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate the Google Calendar API and display the user’s calendar events in your Angular application.

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Luciano Mariano
7 months ago

it's amazing how you were the only one who gave a solution to my problem, Thanks! Now I would also like to receive the events I created and import them as sources of the full calendar library so that I can see my events within my application. Is there a method to recover these events? Great video, thanks again!

Pranay Malkan
7 months ago

Thanks for the video bro !! Really appreciated. I have another suggestion if you may try… Can you make a video on how to create a reactive form dynamically using json, json will have the data of the required field to be added on the form dynamically. Everything on Angular. ❤😊