Using Bracket Notation to Access Object Properties in JavaScript: A Quick Guide

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Accessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation

How to Access the Properties of an Object with Bracket Notation

When working with objects in JavaScript, you can access the properties of an object using bracket notation. This notation allows you to access properties dynamically, which can be useful in certain situations. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Create an Object

First, you’ll need to create an object that you want to access the properties of. You can create an object like this:

let person = {
name: ‘John’,
age: 30,
city: ‘New York’

Step 2: Access the Property with Bracket Notation

Once you have your object, you can access its properties using bracket notation. For example, to access the name property of the person object, you can do this:

let propertyName = ‘name’;
console.log(person[propertyName]); // Output: John

In this example, we’re using the variable propertyName to dynamically access the name property of the person object using bracket notation.

Step 3: Use Bracket Notation for Dynamic Access

One of the main benefits of using bracket notation is that it allows you to access object properties dynamically. This means that you can use variables to access properties based on certain conditions or user input.

let propertyToAccess = ‘city’;
console.log(person[propertyToAccess]); // Output: New York

In this example, we’re using the variable propertyToAccess to dynamically access the city property of the person object based on the value of the variable.


Using bracket notation to access object properties is a powerful feature in JavaScript. It allows you to access object properties dynamically, making your code more flexible and versatile. Next time you need to access an object property dynamically, remember to use bracket notation!

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6 months ago

This is bad for readability

6 months ago