“Using Conditional Rendering in React JS: if-else Statements and Logical ANDs” #reactjs #rendering #conditionallogic

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Conditional rendering in React JS allows developers to conditionally render certain parts of the UI based on the state or prop values of the application. This is a key feature that enables dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

One common way to implement conditional rendering in React is using the if else statement. In HTML, this can be achieved using the conditional rendering syntax, which includes the use of curly braces and logical operators.

For example, consider a scenario where we want to display a welcome message if the user is logged in, and a login button if the user is not logged in. We can achieve this using the if else statement in React:


{isLoggedIn ? (

Welcome, User!

) : (



In this code, the isLoggedIn variable could be a state value that determines whether the user is logged in or not. Depending on its value, the appropriate content will be rendered.

Another way to implement conditional rendering in React is using the logical AND operator. This is useful when we want to render content only if multiple conditions are true.

For example, consider a scenario where we want to display a message only if the user is logged in and has admin privileges. We can achieve this using the logical AND operator in React:


{isLoggedIn && isAdmin ? (

Welcome, Admin User!

) : (

Welcome, User!



In this code, the isLoggedIn and isAdmin variables could be state values that determine the user’s login status and privileges. The message will be rendered only if both conditions are true.

In conclusion, conditional rendering is a powerful feature in React JS that allows for dynamic and personalized user interfaces. By using if else statements and logical operators, developers can easily control the display of content based on the application’s state and prop values. This flexibility enables the creation of highly interactive and responsive UIs.

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6 months ago

Article link : webexpe.com/blog/how-to-conditionally-render-in-react/

For more such articles visit webexpe.com

6 months ago

Conditional rendering explained nicely👍

6 months ago

Nice 👍