Using Deep Learning Python and Keras to Classify Gunshot Audio: A Data Science Tutorial

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Gunshot Audio Classification using Deep Learning Python and Keras | Data Science Tutorial

Gunshot Audio Classification using Deep Learning Python and Keras

In this tutorial, we will be using deep learning techniques in Python with Keras to classify gunshot audio samples. Gunshot detection is a crucial task in various security and public safety applications, and using deep learning can provide a robust and accurate solution.


We will be using a dataset of audio samples containing both gunshot and non-gunshot sounds. The dataset will be preprocessed and split into training and testing sets to build and evaluate our model.

Feature Extraction

One of the crucial steps in audio classification is feature extraction. We will extract relevant features from the audio samples, such as Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), to represent the characteristics of the sound. These features will then be used as inputs to our deep learning model.

Model Building

We will build a deep learning model using Keras, a high-level neural networks API, which will take the extracted features as input and classify the audio samples into gunshot and non-gunshot categories. The model architecture will consist of layers such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks to capture the temporal and spectral patterns in the audio data.

Training and Evaluation

Once the model is built, we will train it on the training set and evaluate its performance on the testing set. We will use metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score to assess the model’s classification performance.


Finally, we will discuss how to deploy the trained model to classify real-time audio samples, which can be integrated into security systems or public safety applications for gunshot detection.


In this tutorial, we demonstrated the use of deep learning techniques in Python with Keras for gunshot audio classification. Building and deploying such models can greatly contribute to public safety and security, and deep learning provides a powerful tool for accurate and robust audio classification.

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6 months ago

More people should watch this! Highly recommend

6 months ago

Great tutorial. Q1: every tool/model is fully free right? Q2: you think it will work also with longer sound detection like when you on the parking and searching for specific engine sound running to determine a car model is there. Any tips for that scenario :)?

6 months ago

Would this work well with mel-specs and mfcc?

6 months ago

Great Video 🤗