Using Django for Tags on an E-commerce Website | Episode 18 with Desphixs

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Tags in Django E-commerce Website using Django – EP. 18 | Desphixs

Tags in Django E-commerce Website using Django – EP. 18 | Desphixs

If you’re building an e-commerce website using Django, you’ll likely want to implement a tagging system to organize and categorize your products. In this article, we’ll explore how to use tags in Django and how to integrate them into your e-commerce website.

What are tags?

Tags are a way to label and categorize content on your website. They allow users to easily search for and filter products based on their interests. For example, a user might be interested in seeing all products tagged as “electronics” or “clothing.”

Implementing tags in Django

In Django, you can implement tags using the django-taggit library. This library provides a simple way to add tagging functionality to your models. First, you’ll need to install the library using pip:

pip install django-taggit

Once installed, you can add a TaggableManager field to your model to enable tagging. For example:

from taggit.managers import TaggableManager

class Product(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    description = models.TextField()
    tags = TaggableManager()

Integrating tags into your e-commerce website

Once you’ve added tagging functionality to your models, you can easily integrate tags into your e-commerce website. You can create tag pages that display all products with a specific tag, or you can add tag filters to your product listings page.


Implementing tags in your Django e-commerce website can greatly improve user experience and make it easier for users to find products that interest them. By using the django-taggit library, you can easily add tagging functionality to your models and integrate tags into your website. Stay tuned for more Django tutorials from Desphixs!

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6 months ago

big boss
I like how you hide the tag id and display their name instead I'm trying to do the same to category and others for example /category/cat52ehe4h1ee = /category/food but I'm getting error so please how can I make this happen?

6 months ago

One more great video! Just tell me please, how do you remove the "," on the last tag?

6 months ago

Hello Bro

6 months ago

Just finished with this video no. 24
I have no other words to say, but GREAT, SO GREAT TUTORIALS 👍😊
And of course a lot of thanks and wish you all the best and keep going with this great learning source …

6 months ago

I'm trying to purchase the theme but getting errors. I'm an indian cityzen how do I buy it?

6 months ago

keep going 🔥💙

6 months ago

How much more is left for this project