Using getStaticProps() for fetching data with Next.JS

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getStaticProps() for Data Fetching in Next.js

getStaticProps() for Data Fetching in Next.js

Next.js is a popular React framework that provides a great developer experience with features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and automatic code splitting. One of the key features of Next.js is the ability to fetch data at build time using the getStaticProps() function.

What is getStaticProps()?

getStaticProps() is a function that allows you to fetch data at build time and pre-render the page with the fetched data. This is useful for pages that have dynamic content, such as blog posts or product pages, but don’t need to be updated frequently. When a user requests a page that uses getStaticProps(), Next.js will pre-render the page with the fetched data and serve the pre-rendered HTML to the user, resulting in faster load times and improved SEO.

How to use getStaticProps()

Using getStaticProps() in Next.js is simple. You just need to create a page component and export a getStaticProps() function. Inside the getStaticProps() function, you can fetch data from any data source, such as an API or a database, and return it as props for the page component. Here’s an example of how to use getStaticProps() in Next.js:

import fetch from ‘node-fetch’;

export async function getStaticProps() {
const res = await fetch(‘’);
const data = await res.json();

return {
props: {

export default function MyPage({ data }) {
// render page using data

In this example, we’re fetching data from an external API and passing it as props to the page component. Next.js will pre-render the page with the fetched data and serve the pre-rendered HTML to the user.

When to use getStaticProps()

getStaticProps() is a great choice for pages with static or slow-changing data that doesn’t need to be updated frequently. It’s especially useful for improving performance and SEO for content-heavy websites, such as blogs, e-commerce sites, and marketing pages.


getStaticProps() is a powerful feature in Next.js that allows you to fetch data at build time and pre-render pages with the fetched data. This can lead to improved performance, better SEO, and a smoother user experience. If you’re building a Next.js application with static or slow-changing data, give getStaticProps() a try!