Using multiple cursor in Visual Studio Code: A guide for JavaScript developers #vscode #tips #codinghacks

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How to use multiple cursor in Visual Studio Code

How to use multiple cursor in Visual Studio Code

If you are a developer and use Visual Studio Code as your coding editor, you may have come across the need to edit multiple parts of your code at the same time. This can be achieved using the multiple cursor feature in Visual Studio Code, which allows you to place multiple cursors in different locations within your code, and make simultaneous edits.

Step 1: Selecting multiple locations

To use the multiple cursor feature, follow these steps:

  1. Hold down the Alt key on your keyboard
  2. Click on the locations in your code where you want to place the cursors
  3. You will see a cursor placed at each location you click, allowing you to edit them simultaneously

Step 2: Making simultaneous edits

Once you have placed multiple cursors in your code, you can start making simultaneous edits. Simply start typing, and you will see the changes being applied to all the locations where cursors are placed.

Step 3: Moving and manipulating cursors

You can also manipulate the multiple cursors in various ways:

  • Hold down the Alt key and use the arrow keys to move the cursors up, down, left, or right
  • Hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys to select text with the cursors

Using the multiple cursor feature in Visual Studio Code can greatly improve your productivity and make it easier to perform repetitive edits across your codebase. Give it a try and see how it can streamline your coding workflow!

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6 months ago

Control + f. Change all occurance