
Using Nuxt.js for Vue.js server-side rendering: Meta/conf

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Vue.js: SSR с помощью Nuxt.js

Vue.js: SSR с помощью Nuxt.js

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications with ease.

One of the key features of Vue.js is its support for server-side rendering (SSR) through Nuxt.js. SSR can improve the performance and SEO of web applications by pre-rendering the HTML on the server before sending it to the client.

Nuxt.js is a framework for building universal Vue.js applications. It provides a set of conventions and tools for SSR, routing, and more, allowing developers to quickly and efficiently build high-performance web applications.

Meta/conf is a conference where you can learn about how to leverage SSR with Vue.js and Nuxt.js. The conference will cover topics such as best practices for SSR, performance optimization, and practical guidance for implementing SSR in your Vue.js applications.

By attending Meta/conf, you can gain valuable insights into how to take advantage of SSR with Vue.js and Nuxt.js to improve the performance and SEO of your web applications.

Whether you are a seasoned Vue.js developer or just getting started, Meta/conf is a great opportunity to learn from experts in the field and connect with other developers who are passionate about building high-performance web applications.

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7 months ago

Да сколько же его будете перезаливать. Видео уже не актуально.

Kostia Bazrov-WORK
7 months ago

13:35 – про какой вебпак рантайм он гвоорит?

ЭТО ЧЕ . старье ?!

7 months ago

16:33 фраза «там есть бесплатный тир» после упоминания конференций для разработчиков, я подумал, что что-то пропустил важное в отрасли😅

7 months ago

Очень свежее видео, но сейчас и Vue и Nuxt перешли на Vite + Pinia. Последний Nuxt вообще без стейт менеджера, а рекомендуют использовать внутренний useState()