
Using Postman for Postman Integration: Updating Records based on Record Id with Patch Request

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Postman Integration: How to update Record based on Record Id using Patch Request through Postman

Postman Integration: How to update Record based on Record Id using Patch Request through Postman

Postman is a powerful tool for API testing and integration, allowing developers to easily send and receive HTTP requests, including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH requests. In this article, we will focus on how to use Postman to update a record based on its record ID using a Patch request.

Step 1: Obtain Record ID

Before updating a record, you need to obtain its unique record ID. This can usually be retrieved from the API response when fetching the record or from the database.

Step 2: Open Postman and Create a new Patch Request

Open Postman and create a new request by clicking on the “New” button and selecting “Request”. Specify the HTTP method as “PATCH” and enter the API endpoint URL for updating the record.

Step 3: Add Request Headers

If the API requires authentication, add the necessary request headers, such as “Authorization” and “Content-Type”. These headers will vary depending on the specific API you are working with.

Step 4: Add Request Body

In the request body section, add the updated data for the record using the appropriate JSON format. This could include fields and their new values that you want to update for the record.

Step 5: Send the Request

Click on the “Send” button to send the Patch request to the API endpoint. Postman will display the response from the server, indicating whether the record was successfully updated or if there were any errors.


Using Postman, developers can easily update records based on their record IDs by sending Patch requests to the API endpoints. This allows for seamless integration and testing of APIs, ensuring that data can be effectively managed and updated as needed.