Using PS4 DS for PX4 SITL simulation in Gazebo

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Use PX4 SITL Gazebo with PS4 DS

How to Use PS4 DS in PX4 SITL Gazebo

If you’re interested in using a PS4 DualShock controller with PX4 Software-In-The-Loop (SITL) Gazebo simulation, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up and using the PS4 DS with PX4 SITL Gazebo.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following:

  • A PS4 DualShock controller
  • A computer with PX4 software installed
  • PX4 SITL Gazebo simulation environment set up
  • USB cable to connect the PS4 DS to your computer

Steps to Use PS4 DS in PX4 SITL Gazebo

  1. Connect the PS4 DS to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Launch the PX4 SITL Gazebo simulation environment on your computer.
  3. In the Gazebo simulation, go to the controller settings and select the PS4 DS as the input device.
  4. Calibrate the PS4 DS in Gazebo to ensure accurate control mapping.
  5. Once the setup is complete, you can use the PS4 DS to control the virtual drone in the PX4 SITL Gazebo environment.

Advantages of Using PS4 DS with PX4 SITL Gazebo

Using a PS4 DS with PX4 SITL Gazebo offers several advantages:

  • Intuitive control: The PS4 DS provides a familiar and intuitive control interface for flying the virtual drone in Gazebo.
  • Wireless operation: While the initial setup requires a USB connection, the PS4 DS can be used wirelessly once paired with the computer.
  • Feature-rich: The PS4 DS offers a wide range of buttons and controls, providing flexibility for controlling various aspects of the virtual drone.
  • Immersive experience: Using a game controller like the PS4 DS can make the simulation experience more engaging and immersive.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily use a PS4 DualShock controller with the PX4 SITL Gazebo simulation environment. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of using a familiar game controller to fly and control the virtual drone in Gazebo.