Using PyQt5 to Create a GUI Interface for Controlling Raspberry Pi Camera with the picamera2 Library in Python

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Python/PyQt5 GUI to Control Raspberry Pi Camera using picamera2 lib

Python/PyQt5 GUI to Control Raspberry Pi Camera using picamera2 lib

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that is commonly used for developing applications and software. One of the popular libraries for controlling the Raspberry Pi camera is the picamera2 library. With the help of PyQt5, a Python framework for creating GUI applications, we can create a user-friendly interface to control the Raspberry Pi camera using picamera2 lib.

To start with, you need to install the picamera2 library on your Raspberry Pi. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install python-picamera2

Once you have installed the library, you can create a Python script that uses the library to control the Raspberry Pi camera. Here is a simple example script:

import picamera2

camera = picamera2.PiCamera()

# Add code to control the camera settings and take pictures


Now, let’s create a PyQt5 GUI application that allows you to control the Raspberry Pi camera. Here is a basic example of a GUI that lets you take a picture using the picamera2 library:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton
import picamera2

class CameraControl(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__() = picamera2.PiCamera()


def initUI(self):
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 200, 100)
self.setWindowTitle('Camera Control')

btn_take_picture = QPushButton('Take Picture', self)
btn_take_picture.move(50, 50)

def take_picture(self):'image.jpg')

if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = CameraControl()

This PyQt5 application creates a simple window with a “Take Picture” button. When the button is clicked, it captures an image using the picamera2 library and saves it as ‘image.jpg’.

With this GUI application, you can easily control the Raspberry Pi camera and take pictures with just a click of a button. You can further enhance the functionality of the application by adding more buttons to control other camera settings such as resolution, exposure, and white balance.

Overall, using Python, PyQt5, and the picamera2 library, you can create a powerful and user-friendly interface to control the Raspberry Pi camera.