Using Python and PyQt5 to control Raspberry Pi camera with automatic focus detection and mode change.

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Controlling Raspberry Pi Camera with Python/PyQt5/Picamera2

Controlling Raspberry Pi Camera with Python/PyQt5/Picamera2

Raspberry Pi cameras are a popular choice for hobbyists and professionals alike, due to their versatility and high-quality imaging capabilities. With the Python programming language, PyQt5 GUI framework, and Picamera2 library, you can easily control your Raspberry Pi camera, including auto-focus detection and mode changes.

Setting up the Environment

Before getting started, make sure you have a Raspberry Pi with a camera module installed, as well as Python, PyQt5, and Picamera2 libraries. You can install these libraries using pip:

pip install PyQt5 picamera2

Auto-Focus Detection

One of the key features of the Picamera2 library is its auto-focus detection capabilities. You can use this feature to ensure that your camera is always focused on the subject of interest, even if it moves or changes position.

Here is a simple Python script that demonstrates how to use auto-focus detection with Picamera2:

import picamera import time

# Initialize the camera
camera = picamera.PiCamera()

# Enable auto-focus detection
time.sleep(2) # Allow time for camera to focus

Mode Change

In addition to auto-focus detection, you can also change the mode of your Raspberry Pi camera using the Picamera2 library. This allows you to switch between different modes, such as photo and video, to capture different types of content.

Here is a Python script that demonstrates how to change the mode of your Raspberry Pi camera with Picamera2:

import picamera

# Initialize the camera
camera = picamera.PiCamera()

# Set camera mode to video
camera.resolution = (1920, 1080)
camera.wait_recording(10) # Record for 10 seconds

# Set camera mode to photo

With these features, you can easily control your Raspberry Pi camera using Python, PyQt5, and Picamera2. Experiment with different settings and configurations to take your photography and videography to the next level!

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3 months ago

I watched all your examples on how to figure out with picamera2. It helped me alot and I wanted to say thank you. Just one question about PyQt5 gui behaviour. Is it possible to get the qpicamera2 object into to a QFrame or someting else or do I need to use set geometry to have the preview output on the left and buttons etc. on the left side of the MainWindow? sry I am complete new to PyQt5. 😂 best regards and thx for the examples you did🎉