Using Qt Stylesheets to Style Qt Widgets

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Styling Qt Widgets Using Qt Stylesheets

Styling Qt Widgets Using Qt Stylesheets

Qt is a powerful cross-platform framework for developing graphical user interfaces. One of the key features of Qt is its ability to customize the look and feel of widgets using stylesheets. In this article, we will explore how to style Qt widgets using Qt stylesheets.

Creating a Stylesheet

To create a stylesheet for your Qt application, you can either create a separate .qss file or add the styles directly in your code. Stylesheets use a syntax similar to CSS, with a few differences specific to Qt.

    QTextEdit {
        background-color: lightgray;
        color: black;
        font-size: 16px;

Applying Stylesheet to Widgets

To apply a stylesheet to a widget, you can use the setStyleSheet() method. This method takes a string parameter that contains the stylesheet rules for the widget.

    QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit();
    textEdit->setStyleSheet("background-color: lightgray; color: black; font-size: 16px;");

Common Stylesheet Properties

Here are some of the common properties you can use in Qt stylesheets:

  • background-color: sets the background color of the widget
  • color: sets the text color of the widget
  • font-size: sets the font size of the text in the widget
  • border: sets the border of the widget


Qt stylesheets provide a flexible way to customize the appearance of widgets in your Qt application. By using stylesheets, you can easily change the look and feel of your application without having to write custom drawing code. Experiment with different styles to create visually appealing user interfaces for your Qt applications.

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3 months ago

thank you, David!

3 months ago

i can´t find a video-tutorial or even a text-based tutorial about creating a web site using Qt for WebAssembly, i mean, creating headers, banners, carrousels, and such… im pretty sure all of these items can be done in Qt, but is a bit tricky to get all well arranged in browser!. do you plan to create some content like this someday?.. thanks..

3 months ago

Merci beacoup!

3 months ago

the library qt-material for Pyside, which also uses qt advanced stylesheet, seems to give you a lot of flexibility where you can also add padding etc.

3 months ago

When it comes to the hover effect on the button, you can use the qt advanced stylesheet and the 'hover' tag. This seems to be working for me in Pyside6

3 months ago

Is it possible to use QtQuick.Controls.Styles of Qt5 in the new Qt6?

3 months ago

Hi David, thanks for the video.
Please tell me, is it possible to use Qt Stylesheets for QGraphicsObject objects?