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Using Snapshots in Jest: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

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Snapshots in Jest are a powerful tool for testing and ensuring that your code is behaving as expected. They can help you to catch regressions, ensure that your UI components are rendering correctly, and even help to document how your components should be rendering. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for using snapshots in Jest, as well as some common pitfalls to watch out for.

## What are Snapshots?

Snapshots in Jest are a way to capture the output of a component or function and save it to a file. When you run your tests, Jest will compare the output of your component or function to the saved snapshot, and if there are any differences, it will fail the test. This can be a very useful tool for catching regressions and ensuring that your code is behaving as expected.

Snapshots are especially useful for testing UI components, as they can help to ensure that your UI is rendering correctly. They can capture the HTML markup, CSS styles, and even the DOM structure of your components, making it easy to catch any unexpected changes.

## Best Practices for Using Snapshots

When using snapshots in Jest, there are a few best practices to keep in mind to ensure that you are using them effectively and efficiently.

### 1. Use Descriptive Snapshot Names

When you create a snapshot in Jest, you can give it a descriptive name that will help you to identify what the snapshot is capturing. This can be especially helpful when you have multiple snapshots for different components or functions. For example, if you are testing a button component, you might name your snapshot “ButtonComponent.snap” to make it clear what the snapshot is capturing.

### 2. Update Snapshots Carefully

When you make changes to your components or functions, Jest will alert you if the snapshots no longer match the output of your code. It can be tempting to simply update all of your snapshots when this happens, but it is important to be careful about when and how you update them. Updating snapshots should only be done when you have intentionally made a change to the output of your code. It is important to review the differences between the old and new snapshots to ensure that the changes are expected and intentional.

### 3. Use Inline Snapshots for Small Outputs

Jest allows you to use inline snapshots for testing simple output. This can be especially useful for testing small outputs, as it makes the test easier to read and maintain. For example, instead of creating a separate file for the snapshot, you can simply use an inline snapshot in your test, like this:

test(‘renders a button’, () => {
const component = render(