Using Tkinter and Bootstrap to Create Custom Tables with ttkbootstrap

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Tkinter + Bootstrap – ttkbootstrap – Tables

Using Tables with Tkinter and Bootstrap

When developing a GUI application with Tkinter, it’s often useful to include tables to display data in a structured format. With the help of the ttkbootstrap library, we can easily integrate Bootstrap styles and functionality with Tkinter widgets, including tables.

Creating a Table with ttkbootstrap

First, make sure you have ttkbootstrap installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install ttkbootstrap

Now, let’s create a simple table using ttkbootstrap’s Table widget:

import tkinter as tk
from ttkbootstrap import Style
from ttkbootstrap import Table

root = tk.Tk()
style = Style()

table = Table(root, headers=["Name", "Age", "Gender"], data=[("John", 25, "Male"), ("Alice", 30, "Female"), ("Bob", 28, "Male")])


In this example, we create a new Tkinter window, apply the default ttkbootstrap style, and then create a Table widget with headers and data. The pack() method is used to display the table in the window.

Styling the Table with Bootstrap

One of the major benefits of using ttkbootstrap with Tkinter is the ability to apply Bootstrap styles to the UI components. For the table, you can easily adjust the appearance using Bootstrap classes such as table-striped, table-bordered, table-hover, etc.

For example, you can add the table-striped class to the table to enable striped rows:

table = Table(root, headers=["Name", "Age", "Gender"], data=[("John", 25, "Male"), ("Alice", 30, "Female"), ("Bob", 28, "Male")], style='table-striped')

This will apply the Bootstrap table-striped style to the table, making it easier to read and differentiate between rows.


Integrating Bootstrap styles and functionality with Tkinter tables using the ttkbootstrap library allows for a more modern and visually appealing user interface. By utilizing Bootstrap classes, you can easily customize the appearance of tables to fit your application’s design.

With the combination of Tkinter, Bootstrap, and ttkbootstrap, creating stylish and functional tables in your GUI applications becomes a breeze.

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6 months ago

Hey man, I really like the troubleshooting section at the end. So needed for beginner tutorials to help newbies learn to navigate error / debug message. Well done, awesome video!

6 months ago

How can we change the font size in the rows and headings?

6 months ago

What can we do to be able to edit data in tables directly ?

6 months ago

can we wrap the text?

6 months ago

how can we get the row value on double click in row of tableview ttkbootstrap

6 months ago

Hi, could you also make a video on computer science paper 2, option B: Modeling and simulation? That would be super helpful 😄

6 months ago

Thanks for the video. My next step was to start looking at tableview