Using Tkinter to Open Multiple Browser Windows

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Open multiple browser windows with Tkinter

If you are building a desktop application using Tkinter in Python, you may want to open multiple browser windows from your application. This can be useful for displaying web content or integrating web-based features into your application.

One way to achieve this is by using the webbrowser module in Python. This module allows you to open web pages in a new browser window from within your Tkinter application.

Here’s a simple example of how you can open multiple browser windows using Tkinter:


Open Multiple Browser Windows

Click the button to open a new browser window

function openWindow() {“”, “_blank”);


In this example, we have a simple HTML page with a button that, when clicked, opens a new browser window with the URL “”. You can customize the URL and target window parameters as needed for your application.

By integrating this HTML code into your Tkinter application, you can easily open multiple browser windows to display web content or interact with web-based features.

Remember to handle user interactions and potential security concerns when integrating web content into your desktop application. Ensure that you sanitize and validate any external URLs to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

With Tkinter and the webbrowser module, you can seamlessly integrate web-based features into your desktop application and provide a richer user experience.