Using TypeScript and Composition API to Set Default Prop Values in Vue 3

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Vue 3 Tip – Default values for props with Typescript and Composition API #shorts

Vue 3 Tip – Default values for props with Typescript and Composition API #shorts

If you are using Vue 3 with Typescript and the Composition API, you might come across the need to define default values for props in your components. In this article, we will cover how to do this efficiently and effectively.

When defining props in a Vue 3 component with Typescript, you can specify the type of the prop as well as its default value. This is done by using the “default” key in the prop definition object.

Here’s an example of how you can define a prop with a default value using Typescript and the Composition API:

        import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue';

        interface Props {
          name: {
            type: String as PropType,
            default: 'John Doe'

        export default defineComponent({
          props: {
            name: {
              type: {
                type: String,
                default: 'John Doe'
          setup(props) {
            // Your component logic here

In this example, we define a prop called “name” with a type of String and a default value of ‘John Doe’.

With this setup, if the parent component does not provide a value for the “name” prop, it will default to ‘John Doe’.

By using Typescript and the Composition API, you can ensure that your props have the correct type and default value, making your code more robust and easy to maintain.

So next time you need to define default values for props in your Vue 3 components with Typescript and the Composition API, remember to use the “default” key in the prop definition object to ensure your code is clean and efficient.

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