
Using TypeScript with React Context API | UserContext in React TypeScript

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React Context API with TypeScript

Using React Context API with TypeScript

React Context API is a powerful feature that allows you to share data between different components without having to pass props down manually at every level. When combined with TypeScript, it provides even more benefits by adding type safety to your code.

UserContext example

Let’s take a look at how you can use the React Context API with TypeScript in a typical user context scenario:

      import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';

      // Define the shape of your user object
      type User = {
        id: number;
        name: string;
        email: string;

      // Create a new context for the user
      const UserContext = createContext(null);

      // Create a custom hook to access the user context
      const useUser = () => {
        const user = useContext(UserContext);
        if (!user) {
          throw new Error('useUser must be used within a UserProvider');
        return user;

      // Create a provider component to wrap your app
      const UserProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
        const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

        return (

      export { UserProvider, useUser };

In this example, we have defined a UserContext using the createContext function. We also created a custom hook called useUser that allows us to access the user data from the UserContext. Finally, we have a UserProvider component that will wrap our entire app and provide the user data to all child components.

Benefits of using TypeScript with React Context

Using TypeScript with React Context API has several benefits:

  • Adding type safety to your context data, ensuring that you are passing the correct shape of data to your components
  • Preventing potential runtime errors by catching type mismatches during development
  • Facilitating better code documentation and understanding by clearly defining the data types within your application

Overall, using React Context API with TypeScript can greatly improve the maintainability and scalability of your React applications.


React Context API with TypeScript is a powerful combination that allows you to share data across your components in a type-safe and efficient manner. By leveraging the features of TypeScript, you can ensure that your data is properly handled and avoid common runtime errors. If you haven’t already, consider using React Context API with TypeScript in your next project for a smoother and more maintainable development experience.

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6 months ago

Thank you sir! really useful tutorial

6 months ago

What if you declare handler functions inside userprovider and try to pass them into the user details as values. Typescript will complain that they are not in the initial state. I wanna be able to pass derived state variables into the context provider without initializing them in state

6 months ago

your sample looked very clean and structured, thanks for the session.
is this code available some where?
I am facing an issue with passing the user object in tsx (<UserContext.Provider value={{ user, setUser }}>)
it throws not assignable error for 'user'

6 months ago

love you its since some days I cannot do it , you are a master in react !

6 months ago

wonderful explanation man. thanks!

6 months ago

Very insightful. Thanks for making a complex topic look simple 🙌🙌

6 months ago

Thank you so much. This helped me a lot.

6 months ago

Thanks a lot for this video, so much helpfull

6 months ago

very detailed ❤️thank you very much💯💯🙌

6 months ago

You legit saved me. I've watched so many tutorials and they didnt make any sense with typescript. I copied your code and played around with it and it made so much sense. The solution was so simple, but it was hard for me to understand. Thank you so much man!!

6 months ago

share which plugin you use fo this auto-suggestion/snippet

6 months ago

Excellent, very concise!

6 months ago

thank you !!!!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

6 months ago

Thanks for the tutorial man. I wasn't sure how to type everything in the app I'm working on, so you were very helpful👍

6 months ago

this video was so calming and nice to watch. thanks 😀

6 months ago

Thank you for this video.
I had given up on typescript and was going to revert to Javascript until I found this video.