Utiliser React JS pour afficher des images de manière dynamique

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Using React JS to Display Images Dynamically

Using React JS to Display Images Dynamically

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. One common task in web development is displaying images dynamically based on user input or other factors. In this article, we will explore how to use React JS to display images dynamically.

Step 1: Import React and useState

First, make sure you have installed React and useState in your project. You can do this by running the following command:

npm install react useState

Step 2: Create a Component

Next, create a new component where you will display the images. You can name this component ImageGallery.

Step 3: Define State for Images

In the ImageGallery component, define a state variable to store the URLs of the images you want to display:

{`const [images, setImages] = useState([

Step 4: Display Images

Now, in the render function of the ImageGallery component, map over the images state variable and display each image:

{`{images.map(image => (

Step 5: Update Images Dynamically

If you want to update the images dynamically, you can add a button that changes the images state when clicked:



Using React JS to display images dynamically is a powerful feature that can enhance the user experience on your website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create a dynamic image gallery that updates based on user interaction.

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1 day ago

Merci ❤

1 day ago

Merci pour toutes vos vidéos sur react 👍🏽

1 day ago

🎉 ❤ Merciiii pour tes vidéos

1 day ago


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