Utilize Angular with headless Hashnode on AnguHashBlog: An Open Source Project

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AnguHashBlog – Use Angular with Headless Hashnode | Open Source Project

Welcome to AnguHashBlog

AnguHashBlog is an open source project that allows developers to use Angular with a headless Hashnode blog. This project aims to provide a seamless integration between Angular and Hashnode, making it easier for developers to create dynamic and responsive blogs using Angular’s powerful features.

Features of AnguHashBlog:

  • Integration with Hashnode API to pull in blog posts
  • Customizable templates for blog posts and archive pages
  • Responsive design for all devices
  • Support for comments and social sharing
  • SEO optimization for better visibility

How to get started with AnguHashBlog:

  1. Clone the repository from GitHub
  2. Install dependencies by running npm install
  3. Configure your Hashnode API key
  4. Start the development server with ng serve
  5. Customize the templates to fit your branding
  6. Deploy your blog to production

With AnguHashBlog, you can create a stunning blog using Angular while leveraging the features of Hashnode’s powerful backend. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this project makes it easy to get your blog up and running in no time.

Get started with AnguHashBlog today and take your blogging experience to the next level!

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3 months ago
