Utilize the useNotifications Hook to Create a Notifications List Component in React.js | Razorpay Interview Question Demo

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Notifications List Component in React.js Demo

Notifications List Component in React.js Demo

This is a demo of a notifications list component in React.js that demonstrates the use of the useNotifications hook. This component allows users to view a list of notifications and mark them as read or unread.

Code Demo

      import React from 'react';
      import useNotifications from './useNotifications';

      function NotificationsList() {
        const { notifications, markAsRead, markAsUnread } = useNotifications();

        return (
              {notifications.map(notification => (
                <li key={notification.id}>
                  <button onClick={() => markAsRead(notification.id)}>Mark as Read</button>
                  <button onClick={() => markAsUnread(notification.id)}>Mark as Unread</button>

      export default NotificationsList;


In the above code, we have created a NotificationsList component that uses the useNotifications hook to manage the list of notifications. The hook provides us with the current list of notifications, as well as functions to mark a notification as read or unread.

How to Use

To use the NotificationsList component in your React.js application, simply import it and place it wherever you want to display a list of notifications. You can then customize the UI and functionality according to your needs.


The useNotifications hook provides a simple and efficient way to manage notifications in a React.js application. By using this hook, you can easily create a notifications list component that allows users to view and manage their notifications.

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6 months ago

Thank you soo much for creating this hight quality content

6 months ago

can figure out the solution any refrence ?