
Utilizing EJS in CSS and JS without cluttering files: A guide for AM Coders in 2024

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AM Coder – 2024 – Express/EJS – Using EJS in your CSS and JS without cluttering files

Using EJS in your CSS and JS without cluttering files

If you’re a web developer using Express and EJS, you may have encountered the challenge of maintaining and organizing your CSS and JavaScript files as your project grows. Fortunately, with EJS, you can easily integrate your CSS and JS directly into your HTML files without cluttering your project’s directory.

Here’s how you can use EJS to reduce clutter in your project:

Using EJS in your CSS

With EJS, you can include your CSS directly in your HTML files using the <style> tag. This allows you to write and manage your CSS without having to create separate CSS files.

      <% include styles.css %>

By using the <% include %> tag, you can include your CSS code from an external file while keeping your project organized and clutter-free.

Using EJS in your JS

Similarly, you can integrate your JavaScript directly in your HTML files using the <script> tag. This allows you to write and manage your JavaScript code without cluttering your project with multiple JS files.

      <% include script.js %>

By using the <% include %> tag, you can easily include your JS code from an external file, making your project more organized and easier to maintain.


Using EJS in your Express project allows you to seamlessly integrate your CSS and JavaScript code directly in your HTML files without cluttering your project’s directory. By including your CSS and JS using EJS tags, you can keep your project organized and maintainable as it grows.